
Surprise! MSNBC's Joy Reid Compares Affirmative Action Bans to Jim Cro
April 22nd, 2014 10:44 PM
On Tuesday's Hardball, fill-in host Joy Reid compared the Supreme Court upholding Michigan's ban on affirmative action to upholding white supremacy.
"If this court has a central narrative, it could be that those who have held the advantage for most of this country's history deserve to have it back if they can find the legislative or political means to take it back. If they do, the Court won'…

Excited Chris Matthews: Have Republicans 'Given Up on Beating' Hillary
April 15th, 2014 3:51 PM
Barack Obama may have given Chris Matthews a "thrill" up his leg, but the MSNBC host is pretty excited about Hillary Clinton in 2016. Matthews was so worked up on Monday night that he wondered if Republicans have "given up on beating" Clinton. Unsurprisingly, the cable anchor is unimpressed with the current crop of Republican contenders.
After discussing Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, he derided, "…

Chris Matthews on Jimmy Carter's Failure to Cheer Hillary in 2016: A
April 10th, 2014 2:51 PM
Chris Matthews did his best on Wednesday to get Jimmy Carter to fulsomely endorse Hillary Clinton for president in 2016, but just couldn't quite get a satisfying answer. In an interview on Hardball, Matthews began by noting how the former president has been "championing the cause" of "equal rights for women." He pressed, "Has a woman president -- has that time arrived? Obviously talking about…

Chris Matthews and Joan Walsh Call Those Disputing ObamaCare Numbers
April 3rd, 2014 9:57 PM
On Thursday's Hardball, host Chris Matthews and guest Joan Walsh disparaged conservatives who disputed the administration's ObamaCare enrollment numbers "birthers" and "truthers."
"What can you say about these guys besides they are health care enrollment truthers right now," Matthews insisted. "It's a new firm of birtherism. It's a new way to say it's not legitimate, he [Obama] doesn't…

Ohio State: 'Distinguished' Chris Matthews to Speak at Graduation
March 24th, 2014 5:17 PM
Hey, Buckeyes, "Let’s play Hardball."
On Friday, The Ohio State University announced that Chris Matthews, host of MSNBC’s Hardball, will deliver the commencement address at the school’s May 4 graduation ceremony. The announcement was made in a glowing press release, which [laughably] read in part (emphasis mine):

Nazi-Comparison Aficionado Chris Matthews Lectures ‘It Is Time Those
March 20th, 2014 12:09 PM
Chris Matthews, who on multiple occasions has compared conservatives to Nazis, laughably pleaded for such links to stop. The “Hardball” host begged for civility and noted how “Ted Cruz has done it. Ted Nugent’s done it. Ben Carson has done it. They have all recently compared the Obama administration to Nazi Germany And it is time those analogies stopped for good.”
Matthews complained that “…

Matthews Rants: GOP Needs to 'Pay A Price' or Democrats Will 'Get Thei
March 15th, 2014 6:02 PM
On Friday's Hardball, Chris Matthews continued his tirade targeted at Democrats from the previous day, in the wake of the party's loss in the special election in Florida on Tuesday. The MSNBC host bemoaned how supposedly, "Republicans say, we've got to cut entitlements....And yet, they don't pay a price for it politically. I'm determined that they pay a price for their words."
Matthews added…

A Furious Chris Matthews Calls on Dems to 'Scare,' 'Anger' Liberal Bas
March 14th, 2014 12:40 PM
A clearly worried Chris Matthews attempted to rally the Democratic Party to avoid a midterm massacre, openly suggesting that the party's goals should be "angering" voters with "scary" Republicans. On Thursday morning, the MSNBC anchor conceded that the U.S. Senate will go Republican in November. By Thursday night, he pivoted, lecturing Democrats: "...You can give the angry voter out there…
Chris Matthews: Voters May Lash Out at Overly Smart Dems for Their 'Co
March 13th, 2014 12:32 PM
Panic mode? Chris Matthews on Thursday morning conceded that Republicans would win the Senate in November. On Wednesday's Hardball, the host lashed out at voters. Speaking of a House special election won by the Republicans on Tuesday, he fumed, "Well, this election in Florida yesterday was about one word: 'No.' Because no worked, it will be worked again from now until November. By all means, no…
Chris Matthews: ‘Abraham Lincoln Would Not Have Worked For Fox
March 13th, 2014 8:27 AM
Following President Obama’s appearance on the satirical interview show “Between Two Ferns” with comedian Zach Galifianakis, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews chose to take an unnecessary swipe at Fox News.
Appearing as a guest on MSNBC’s Morning Joe on March 13, the “Hardball” host reacted to Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly saying that Abraham Lincoln would not have gone on “Between Two Ferns” by claiming that…

Chris Matthews Compares CPAC to...Star Wars Cantina
March 6th, 2014 10:07 PM
MSNBC's Chris Matthews compared CPAC to the cantina from Star Wars in a bizarre rant on Thursday's Hardball. Matthews trashed the gathering and took aim at "the Joe McCarthy imitator" Sen. Ted Cruz.
Matthews couldn't get the event name right, though: "Do you remember the bar scene in Star Wars with all those wild-eyed creatures from every part of the solar system? Well today here in…

Flashback: Nostradamus Chris Matthews Mocked Mitt Romney’s ‘Latest
March 3rd, 2014 11:25 AM
Chris Matthews is known for his verbal gaffes, but his political prognosticating doesn’t age well either. As Right Scoop noted, the Hardball anchor eagerly mocked Mitt Romney in 2012 for suggesting that Russia is one of the “world’s worst actors” and “our number one geopolitical foe.” On March 27, 2012, Matthews sneered that this was “Romney's latest misstep, his geopolitical faux pas.”

Chris Matthews Screams ‘Ted Cruz Secedes From The Union
February 27th, 2014 12:42 PM
Chris Matthews’ vendetta against Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) continued at a fever-pitched pace Wednesday night. The Hardball host has a long history of attacking Cruz; he once called the Tea Party senator a “Thug” who wants to “Kill” Obama’s “Baby” and compared him to cinematic murderer “Freddy Krueger.”
On February 26, the MSNBC host took his anti-Cruz hatred to a new level, shrieking that “Ted…
Irony-Free Chris Matthews Hits Conservatives: 'You Are Known By the Co
February 20th, 2014 12:31 PM
Clearly, Chris Matthews doesn't understand irony. The MSNBC host, whose network colleagues have lobbied for someone who defecate down Sarah Palin's throat and called Laura Ingraham a "slut," on Wednesday night lectured, "It's been said more than once that you are known by the company you keep." [See video below. MP3 audio here.]
Yet, Matthews wasn't talking about his coworkers or when he…