Toobin Admits: Trump-Russia Collusion Not Main Investigation Purpose

May 19th, 2017 2:24 PM
Jeffrey Toobin pretty much let the cat out of the bag about the real desired purpose (by the Democrats and the mainstream media) of the investigation by the new Special Counsel Robert Mueller in the May 19 New Yorker. He basically concedes that there is a good possibility that no criminal evidence of collusion between the Donald Trump campaign and the Russians will be found. What he reveals, and…

The New Yorker's Impeachment Jokes Look Like Fake News on Facebook

May 13th, 2017 1:51 PM
Your average liberal journalist isn't going to think The New Yorker magazine when it comes to fake-news sites on Facebook. But my wife hopped in the car yesterday and asked, in a please-shoot-this-down tone: "Trump didn't really say that if I'm impeached, I'll have the greatest ratings ever." My first reply -- not kidding -- was "that sounds like Andy Borowitz and his brand of humor/hate at the…

CNN's Zucker: Fox News Is 'State-Run TV,' Decries 'Fake News' Term

May 1st, 2017 10:23 PM
In an 18-minute Friday interview on the New Yorker Radio Hour, CNN President Jeffrey Zucker contended that "Fox News ... is state-run TV," that "MSNBC has become the opposition," and that "CNN is seeking the truth." Yes, he really said that. Zucker also doesn't like the term "fake news" any more — even though his network was one of the earliest post-election promoters of the term when they…

New Yorker Suggests Nonexistent Recall Election to Remove Trump

February 28th, 2017 5:30 PM
Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble. We've already had witches attempt to cast a mass spell to remove President Trump from office but now a former senior editor of New Yorker magazine, Jeffrey Frank, has come up with an equally unlikely scenario: a recall election. Yes, the extremely desperate left have analyzed and discarded removing Trump via impeachment or the 25th…

New Yorker TV Critic Angry that 'Jokes Won the Election' For Trump

January 21st, 2017 8:29 AM
Not fair! Only liberals are allowed to make fun of conservatives. That's the way it has always been so when someone like Donald Trump  jokes about liberals it is absolutely intolerable. Not only is it offensive but dangerous since jokes won the election for Trump. That pretty much sums up the attitude of New Yorker television critic, Emily Nussbaum, in her January 23 article. Somehow it is just…

Media Predictably Mock Trump’s HUD Secretary Pick Ben Carson

December 5th, 2016 10:07 PM
After Donald Trump chose former presidential candidate Ben Carson to lead the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), journalists ridiculed the choice, mocked Carson’s beliefs and labeled him a “scammer.” Squawk Box co-anchor Joe Kernen anticipated the liberal media reaction on Dec. 5, saying, "Let's see, he's not a billionaire, so how's the mainstream media going to trash him? He's a…

New Yorker Editor Provides Cover for Obama's Hollowing of Democrats

November 24th, 2016 10:33 AM
Even on his way out the door, they can't get off their bended knee. The last eight years have provided countless examples of media fawning over President Obama -- make that last dozen years, since his coming-out party at the Democrats' national convention in Boston.

New Yorker Finds 'F---ing Pissed' TV News Source After Trump Meeting

November 22nd, 2016 11:52 AM
The first summary of the meeting between Donald Trump and network TV stars and executives yesterday was the official one, via Kellyanne Conway: When asked if the meeting was about mending fences, Conway said, “There’s no need to mend fences. It was an off-the-record meeting. It was very cordial. Very productive. Congenial. But it was also very candid and honest.” The New York Post used the term…

New Yorker Publishes a Tardy Report on Venezuela's Socialist Disaster

November 14th, 2016 10:52 PM
William Finnegan's lengthy report from Venezuela in the November 14 edition of the New Yorker begs two obvious questions: Where have you guys been? And why did you wait until the wee hours on November 7, the day before Election Day in the U.S., when almost everyone's attention was on the presidential and other contests, to post it online? The report's headline asks a question: "How did this…

Jeffrey Toobin: Clarence Thomas Is Both ‘Radical’ and ‘Reactionary’

October 25th, 2016 9:52 PM
When it comes to Supreme Court justices and their views of the Constitution, on the one hand there’s Clarence Thomas, and on the other there’s everyone else in the 227-year history of the Court, suggested CNN and New Yorker legal analyst Toobin in a Tuesday piece. Toobin called Thomas, who just marked a quarter-century as a SCOTUS justice, “not a conservative but, rather, a radical” who’s driven…

New Yorker Writer Slams 'Creepy Vibe' at Clinton Foundation Events

August 26th, 2016 4:15 PM
During this week's episode of Political Gabfest – a “political-commentary podcast” produced by the far-left culture magazine Salon -- a pro-Hillary guest surprisingly unleashed a several-minute-long criticism of the Clinton Foundation and its “performance” regarding public charities. Adam Davidson, a contributing writer at The New Yorker magazine, stated that “there is a real creepy vibe to me”…

CNN's Blow: Trump Outreach Is Just Excuse to Speak Badly of Blacks

August 22nd, 2016 11:38 AM
Appearing as a guest on Sunday's CNN Newsroom with Poppy Harlow, CNN political commentator and New York Times columnist Charles Blow became the latest example of liberals accusing Republicans of racism when they talk about helping black Americans solve problems that they are disproportionately affected by, as he asserted that recent efforts by the Donald Trump campaign at "outreach" to blacks are…

New Yorker: 'Libtard' Is Rush's 'Favorite Epithet'; He's Never Said It

August 17th, 2016 11:44 PM
Ronald Reagan was fond of saying, "It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so." One of the things that liberals "know that isn't so" is that conservative talk radio hosts are all crude people who routinely hurl racist, sexist, homophobic and other epithets over the airwaves. This would explain why the layers of fact-checkers and editors at…

Pundit: Right’s Support For Brexit Based On ‘Nonsense’ and ‘Tribalism’

June 26th, 2016 11:54 AM
Though the Brexit debate didn’t break down along ideological lines, some liberal writers focused their morning-after scorn on pro-Leave conservatives. Talking Points Memo editor and publisher Josh Marshall wrote that American conservatives rooted for Brexit because of “the same turn back…the clock to glory nonsense that animates Trumpism…American conservative glee [over Brexit] is just a retreat…