
Explainer: How Fact Checkers Abuse Their Role To Boost Democrat Causes

May 25th, 2021 8:01 AM

Fact checkers are just as susceptible to bias and narrative-pushing as any other class of journalist. Despite this, major media organizations treat them as a source of reliably unbiased information — as do social media companies like FaceBook and Twitter, who have granted them the power to flag and remove anything they deem “misinformation.”

PolitiFact Quietly Retracts 'Pants on Fire' It Gave Tucker Carlson

May 20th, 2021 11:06 PM

Andrew Kerr at the Daily Caller reported that PolitiFact posted an Editor's Note on May 17 quietly retracting a "Pants On Fire" it gave to Tucker Carlson last September for a supposedly "debunked conspiracy theory" about the origins of the coronavirus in Wuhan, China. PolitiFact's animus against Carlson is obvious: It's published…

Column: Fact Checkers Embrace the Jim Crow Smear

May 5th, 2021 6:08 AM

Liberal journalists love to align themselves with “facts and truth” and have singled out their liberal “fact checker” websites as heroes, like they are somehow the Environmental Protection Agency of political rhetoric. In reality, liberals take conservative accusations extremely literally, while the vilest liberal accusations get a free pass. President Biden can denounce GOP voter-integrity…

STUDY: PolitiFact's 8 Times as Likely to Defend Biden Than Check Him

May 4th, 2021 8:10 AM

Our new study finds that four years ago, PolitiFact offered 52 fact checks with a “Truth-O-Meter” ruling of Donald Trump in his first 100 days, while in the same period this year, PolitiFact offered just 13 fact checks of President Biden. On its website, PolitiFact splits its Biden verdicts into “Facts Checks Of Biden” and “Fact Checks About Biden.” Our review of the first 100 days shows 13…

PolitiFact Asks Us to Back Up Our Chart; When We Did, Nothing Happened

April 21st, 2021 3:57 PM

PolitiFact is well known for hammering conservatives far harder than liberals. We have offered a series of studies showing the tilt of their "Truth-O-Meter." What happens when they attempt to flag a conservative group for falsehood...and then walk away? Let us speak from some of our own recent experience.

PolitiFact Boasts 'Fact-Checking Festival' Starring...Brian Stelter!?

April 3rd, 2021 7:45 AM

Is PolitiFact proving how objective they are by holding a “fact-checking festival” from May 10 to 13 starring CNN’s Brian Stelter? No, they’re further proving they are part of the loud warp and woof of the liberal media. They're also interviewing Dr. Anthony Fauci, Sen. Mark Warner, and Steven Hassan, who claims in all seriousness that Trump backers are a "cult."


PolitiFact POUNCED on TV Talk Fighting Back on Water Bottles at Polls

March 30th, 2021 11:09 AM

PolitiFact “pounced” on former McConnell chief of staff Josh Holmes for his defense of the new Georgia election-integrity law on Fox News Sunday. They've been very aggressive in defending the left's "voting rights" talking points and attacking "restrictive" Republican proposals, and they ruled Holmes was "Mostly False."


Beware Journalists Using 'Fact Checkers' to Slam New GOP Ads on HR1

March 27th, 2021 7:22 AM

The Democrat-favoring "fact checker" websites are hard at work spinning for H.R. 1, the shameless attempt to federalize elections under the banner of "voting rights." Alayna Treene of the Washington-insider website Axios reported the National Republican Senatorial Committee will launch a "seven-figure ad campaign...targeting Democrats' effort to expand voting."

PolitiFact Checks Nutty Video Saying Biden's 'Not a Human Being'

March 23rd, 2021 5:00 PM

Just how stupid does PolitiFact think Americans are? Why do they “fact check” ridiculous videos few would believe about Joe Biden? They had to rush in and say it's "Pants On Fire" to suggest Joe Biden isn't a human being. 

PolitiFact Hammers Mike Pence on Voting Bill, VP Harris Gets Free Pass

March 8th, 2021 4:03 PM

The liberals at PolitiFact haven’t issued a “Truth-O-Meter” rating on Kamala Harris since last September, but they’re hammering the last vice president, Mike Pence, for his claims at the Daily Signal about the voting provisions…

Hide Your Memes! Facebook Fact Checker Attacks ‘Family Circus’ Meme

March 5th, 2021 4:57 PM

Apparently, a Facebook fact-checker’s idea of a perfect start to the weekend included censoring memes on the platform. PolitiFact provided a fact-check of a meme that poked fun at the idea of young children being able to “take hormones” and “change [their] sex.” 

The image featured the father and a son from “The Family Circus,” with text that reads, "Can I have a cigarette? No, you’re…

'Science'? PolitiFact Denies the FACT That We're Born Boys or Girls

March 4th, 2021 6:21 PM

You can tell a "fact checker" is marching to the drumbeat of the libertine left when they labor to deny the biological fact that the overwhelming majority of humans are born as either boys or girls. On Thursday, PolitiFact took sides in the hallway Twitter battle between freshmen congresswomen Marie Newman and Marjorie Taylor Greene. "We checked, and the science is clear: Gender identity goes…


PolitiFact Boss Pushes Cuomo's Nursing Home Lies, 'Really Complicated'

February 21st, 2021 1:26 PM

On Sunday, CNN’s “Reliable Sources” proved once again to be a hotbed of misinformation as PolitiFact editor-in-chief Angie Drobnic Holan worked to prop up Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s lies about nursing home deaths. Suggesting the situation was “really complicated” and there were no “clear-cut answers,” she pushed his false claim that COVID patients brought back to…

Column: Susan Rice and the Fact-Checker Farce

January 27th, 2021 6:00 AM

Seeing Susan Rice at the White House podium in 2021, a friend of mine suggested Rice has never been “fact-checked.” Well, that can’t be, I thought. Then I went to the PolitiFact website, which strangely had a Susan Rice page....but not a single “fact check” of Rice, even though PolitiFact was founded in 2007 and Rice worked for Obama from 2009 to 2017.