TILT: PolitiFact Angrily Obsesses Over Trump, Goes Soft on Biden

July 9th, 2020 7:37 AM

A new Media Research Study of PolitiFact "Truth-O-Meter" ratings for 2019 and the first half of 2020 shows a dramatic tilt against the Republicans. Donald Trump was tagged as "Mostly False" or worse in 132, articles, compared to Joe Biden's 23. Trump was slammed as "Pants on Fire" in 37 articles, compared to just one for Biden.

PolitiFact Hacks: NO Ruling on Pelosi Saying GOP Murdered George Floyd

June 30th, 2020 9:05 PM

How biased are the liberal "fact checkers" at PolitiFact? They threw no "False" flags at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for suggesting Republicans were "trying to get away with murder....the murder of George Floyd." But Pelosi was granted a "Mostly True" for citing polling support for so-called "Dreamers."


PolitiFact Finds Biden Now Has His Own 'Very Fine People' Misquote

June 17th, 2020 2:10 PM

On Tuesday, PolitiFact demonstrated that Joe Biden now has his own "very fine people" misquotation. He never said "Antifa are courageous Americans." But he did misquote Trump on "very fine people" in the same video! And PolitiFact carefully avoided it....then and now. 


PolitiFact Tags Black Conservative as 'Mostly False,' But He's Not

June 7th, 2020 7:43 AM

PolitiFact keeps doing “fact checks” against conservatives that acknowledge that they’re using facts, but they’re still False because – well, they don’t like the way those facts are assembled. These factual facts aren’t making the right point. They’re “too narrow.”

Why Must 'Fact Checkers' Make Rulings on Guesses and Projections?

May 6th, 2020 2:49 PM
One of the most maddening traits of the liberal-media “fact checking” sites is when they’re not checking facts. They’re trying to support Democratic projections about the future. PolitiFact did this for Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers. They gave him a “Mostly True” for bragging his “Safer at Home” lockdown “prevented the death of at least 300 Wisconsinites, and perhaps as many as 1,400 lives." How on…

HALF TRUE? Obama Says Biden Has 'Most Progressive Platform' in History

April 22nd, 2020 6:07 PM
PolitiFact rarely checks the facts of Barack Obama. But when he endorsed Joe Biden for president, they found something he said "Half True." Obama said Biden "already has what is the most progressive platform of any major party nominee in history." This is an accepted political fact. Liberal newspapers and websites have repeatedly agreed that the Democrats are now to the left of Obama.  How on…

PolitiFact Rushes to Defend Potential Biden VP on Seed-Sale Crackdown

April 16th, 2020 10:18 PM

PolitiFact released another tendentious defense of a controversial Democrat, in this case Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, whose coronavirus crackdown is lighting up the conservative blogosphere. They noted she's on Biden's short list of potential running mates, and based their whole "fact check" on one overheated headline so they could dismiss the actual controversy. 

Is PolitiFact Hiding Efforts to Sneak Abortion Funding in Virus Bill?

March 26th, 2020 5:26 PM
Conservative news sources are calling out fact-checkers for ignoring inconvenient truths. PoltiFact, a fact-checking website acquired by the Soros-funded Poynter Institute in 2018, denied that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) had attempted to put abortion funding measures in the upcoming relief bill. 

Column: The Cleanup Crew for Biden's Flu Flubs

March 20th, 2020 6:40 AM
Every once in a while, the liberal journalists at PolitiFact grant President Trump a rare rating of “Mostly True.”  Most recently, they revisited a "Pants on Fire" rating they gave Vice President Joe Biden in 2009 for answering a swine flu question from NBC's Matt Lauer that "when one person sneezes, it goes all the way through the aircraft." Here's the important part: the networks energetically…

'Fact Checkers' Freak Out at Trump (Not Biden) for 'Deceptive' Editing

March 11th, 2020 1:26 PM
The independence of the “independent fact checkers” is looking very questionable again, leaping into the fray to protest that a tweet featuring a brief video clip of Joe Biden is somehow “Mostly False” (as PolitiFact ruled). Earth to PolitiFact: the network "news" people omit the full context of quotes on a regular basis, but they aren't tagged as "deceptive" editors. 

Sarah Silverman: You Must Read New York Times, PolitiFact, and Snopes

February 11th, 2020 10:06 PM
On Monday, Sarah D. at Twitchy pointed out that Bernie Sanders-endorsing activist/comedian Sarah Silverman tweeted over the weekend that people should be reading newspapers. “Not websites. Not cable news. NOT a twitter feed or FB feed (I understand this irony).” She insisted “We must all be detectives to find the truth. Politifact and [S]nopes are helpful.” When the socialists are touting…

Column: Attack of the 'Fact Checking' Clones

February 8th, 2020 7:08 AM
Under President Trump, the State of the Union address has become the Super Bowl for the left-leaning “fact checkers.” It doesn’t matter if Republicans and independents enjoyed it immensely. Like Nancy Pelosi, these journalists want to rip his speech to pieces because it somehow overflows with “untruths.” But these supposedly “independent” guardians are failures at fact-checking the Democratic…

PolitiFact's Amazingly Selective Schumer Fact-Checking on Impeachment

January 29th, 2020 1:43 PM
Criticizing the so-called "independent fact-checkers" isn't just about whether their fact checking is accurate. It's about which "facts" they choose to evaluate, and which politicians they choose to evaluate and how often. For example, in 2017 and 2018, PolitiFact performed 297 "fact checks" on President Trump, and just nine on Sen. Charles Schumer. They picked an easy "True" this week for…

PolitiFact: Nikki Haley's 'Pants on Fire' That Dems Mourned Soleimani

January 12th, 2020 8:45 AM
One of the routine ways the "independent fact checkers" demonstrate a liberal bias is by leaping to attack conservatives for making a rhetorical flourish on cable news. On Tuesday, PolitiFact threw a Pants On Fire" verdict at former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley for saying no government is protesting the killing of Iranian teerrorist mastermind Qasem Soleimani, only Democrats are "mourning the loss…