PolitiFact Readers Poll for 2019 Lie of the Year Exposes Audience Tilt

December 31st, 2019 4:29 PM
One reason the "independent" site PolitiFact leans strongly to the left is its audience. It relies on tips from its fans to select many of its fact checks, and so when PolitiFact tweeted today a reminder to look at its Readers Poll for the 2019 Lie of the Year, the readers overwhelmingly favored fact checks of President Trump and his team. Almost 88 percent of the votes went to three Trump claims…

PolitiFact Backs Elizabeth Warren's Single-Payer Socialist Math

November 18th, 2019 6:56 AM
One of the maddening acts of so-called "fact checking" is the arrogant attempt to predict future outcomes at election time. It should seem obvious this is beyond the territory of "facts." Now PolitiFact has slapped a "True" label on Elizabeth Warren's cost estimates for her socialist "Medicare for All" plan....even as it appends an "If true" disclaimer to it. 

'Mostly False'? PolitiFact Tags Haley Tying Abortion to Green New Deal

November 4th, 2019 3:51 PM
Ashe Schow at the Daily Wire points out that PolitiFact tagged former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley as "Mostly False" for claiming in an e-mail for her new group Stand For America that candidates who are supporting the Green New Deal are "promoting abortion in third world countries to control the population!" 

PolitiFact: Trump's a 'Pants on Fire' Liar to Say Impeachment's a Coup

October 26th, 2019 11:36 PM
On Friday, PolitiFact ruled President Trump uncorked a "Pants on Fire" lie when he described the impeachment attempt as a "coup," despite the obvious point that impeachment is designed to remove a president from his office. Since impeachment is constitutional, Trump can't say it.

PolitiFact Shamed! Their Anti-Trump Tweet's CORRECTED by WashPost

October 10th, 2019 2:37 PM
Bonchie at RedState.com points out that PolitiFact is mangling its Truth-o-Meter again to attack Donald Trump and defend Barack Obama.

Most 'Fact Checkers' Act Shifty with Schiff's Lying About Ukraine-Gate

October 3rd, 2019 9:03 AM

Congressman Adam Schiff was caught in a lie by The New York Times on Wednesday, although they didn’t make that point. The newspaper reported the whistleblower contacted Schiff’s committee and discussed his complaint in vague terms, and those terms were passed along to Schiff. He told MSNBC "we have not spoken directly with the whistleblower." Will the "fact checkers" notice? Most of them…

Ted Cruz DUNKS on PolitiFact for Beto; The Protests Are Laughable

September 19th, 2019 4:29 PM
On Monday, PolitiFact editor Angie Drobnic Holan wrote an article expressing her frustration that Sen. Ted Cruz would dare to mock her website on Twitter as “a wholly-owned subsidary of the DNC.” She insisted PolitiFact is an "independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit newsroom that fact-checks Democrats and Republicans alike" that was "unaffected by agenda or biases." That's not what a look at the…

PolitiFact Rains on Trump's Latest Rally with Mangled 'Fact Checks'

September 10th, 2019 8:07 AM
"Independent fact checkers" like Glenn Kessler at The Washington Post love counting up when Donald Trump repeats something he flagged as False. So what happens when fact-checkers keep repeating their own canards? See PolitiFact during President Trump's rally in North Carolina on Monday night.

PolitiFact Slams Associating Biden with 'KKK Leader' Robert Byrd

August 31st, 2019 11:06 AM
Twitchy editor Greg Pollowitz noted on Saturday that PolitiFact is so senstive about Joe Biden that it gave a "Mostly False" rating to a Facebook post showing a photo of Biden holding hands with former Senate Majority Leader Robert Byrd: "PolitiFact has done it again, this time ruling that a 100% real photo of Joe Biden with former KKK leader Robert Byrd is mostly false because the caption…

PolitiFact Punts on Wild Ferguson 'Murder' Talk by Harris and Warren

August 14th, 2019 9:36 PM
On Tuesday, we noted PolitiFact linked to The Washington Post and FactCheck.org declaring Senators Kamala Harris and Elizabeth were factually wrong to claim Michael Brown was "murdered" by policeman Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri five years ago. On Wednesday, PolitiFact's Louis Jacobson took on the fact-check....and then proclaimed they would NOT put this lie on their "Truth-O-Meter."

WashPost, FactCheck.org Call Out Harris, Warren on Ferguson 'Murder'

August 13th, 2019 4:30 PM
We wouldn't normally evaluate a "fact check" when it lines up with all the available facts. But it can be noteworthy when Democrats are tagged as "Four Pinocchios" False. Both the Washington Post Fact Checker and FactCheck.org flagged Senators and presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren for incorrectly claiming Michael Brown was "murdered" in Ferguson, Missouri by police…

PolitiFact Rules Trump Ad 'Mostly False' on Health Care for Illegals

August 5th, 2019 8:55 PM
On August 1, PolitiFact took meticulous exception to a new Trump ad that shows NBC debate moderator Savannah Guthrie asking ten Democrat presidential candidates in June "Raise your hand if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants." The announcer said "These Democrats support giving illegal immigrants free health care at our expense." PolitiFact proclaimed this was "…

PolitiFact: AOC Wasn't 'Crying Over a Parking Lot,' It Was a Road!

July 23rd, 2019 7:57 AM
PolitiFact underlined its hypersensitivity to attacks on liberals on Monday by declaring a "Viral Image" of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to be "FALSE." They protested PJ Media writer Jim Treacher having fun with staged photos under the headline "AOC Weeps Over Empty Parking Lot." She was weeping for immigrants, not parking! PolitiFact ruled the humor was "FALSE."

PolitiFact Panders to Liberals: Let's Have a Mueller Report Book Club!

June 9th, 2019 7:32 AM
Liberals right now are incredibly angry that the American people aren't all buying copies of the Mueller Report and lining up to impeach and remove President Trump, so it's only natural that PolitiFact would pander to its liberal base by starting a Mueller Report Book Club.