Law Professor: Trump Is the Reagan Revolution ‘On Steroids’

May 6th, 2016 9:52 PM
Some on the left claim that Donald Trump is an ideological descendant of Ronald Reagan, never mind that Reagan was Mr. Conservative and Trump is Mr. Opportunist. Paul Campos, from the University of Colorado, makes a different Trump-as-heir-to-Reagan argument. In a Thursday Salon article, Campos opined that the Reagan revolution was less about right-wing views than “stupidity, celebrity, and…

Marcotte: Marvel Has Ruined Captain America; Now 'Douchey Libertarian'

May 6th, 2016 7:01 PM
Writing one of the more bizarre movie reviews one will read for Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War, Salon’s Amanda Marcotte whined in a Friday afternoon post that the latest Marvel film morphed the “New Deal Democrat” Captain America into “a douchey libertarian” “who believe[s] it’s cool to belong to a secretive paramilitary that rejects oversight and accountability to the public.”

Amanda Marcotte: Cruz Endorses Spanking, Exposes Right’s ‘Cowardice’

May 4th, 2016 8:37 PM
Not long before Ted Cruz left the presidential race, he inadvertently performed what Salon’s Marcotte suggests was a public service by clarifying that right-wingers are entitled authoritarians who readily inflict pain on kids. Last weekend at an Indiana campaign rally, a boy in the audience yelled “You suck!” at Cruz, to which Cruz replied, “In my household, when a child behaves that way they…

Salon Writer: GOP Now Home for Nutty 'Bolshevism of the Right'

May 1st, 2016 8:57 PM
Several decades ago, there were plenty of right-of-center Democrats and left-of-center Republicans. These days, however, almost everyone agrees that the Democrats have become a distinctly liberal party and the GOP a distinctly conservative party. One who disagrees in part is writer Conor Lynch, who in a Saturday article claimed that Republicans have transitioned out of true conservatism and now…

Frowns at Lefty New Media: Buzzfeed, Salon, Gawker, HuffPost Slipping

April 19th, 2016 1:03 PM
So much for the buzz!  After missing its 2015 goal by more than $80 million, it was reported last week that Buzzfeed has cut its 2016 financial forecast in half – and other top left-wing websites like Gawker, Salon and the Huffington Post seem to be in just as much trouble.

Liberal Writer Neal Gabler: Hillary Is ‘The Media’s National Piñata’

April 13th, 2016 9:58 PM
Author and former Fox News Watch panelist Gabler may or may not have a position on “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” but he does believe that when it comes to Hillary (and Bill) Clinton, “the scandals didn’t create the meme of untrustworthiness about them. The meme of untrustworthiness created the scandals.” In a piece that ran Tuesday on Salon and was originally published at…

Marcotte: After Brussels Attacks, Good Thing Adults Are in Charge

March 22nd, 2016 1:00 PM
At at 10:28 a.m., Amanda Marcotte wrote that "It will likely be days, perhaps weeks, before we know much about the horrific terrorist attacks on an airport and subway in Brussels on Tuesday morning that killed dozens of people." Actually, dear, as of when I began this post about 90 minutes later, we alreadly know plenty. Most crucially, the Associated Press reported that the Islamic…

Salon: Indiana Pro-Life Bill a ‘Reproductive Jim Crow Law’

March 16th, 2016 5:20 PM
The pro-abortion crowd always been extreme. They have to be extreme to hold the position that taking innocent life is legitimate. However, Bob Cesca of has critiqued Indiana’s new pro-life legislation using language that is arguably out of place even at a NARAL board meeting. According to Cesca, HB 1337, a pro-life bill recently passed by the Indiana legislature:

Oops: NBC Exposes Sanders Failing to Call For Refraining From Violence

March 12th, 2016 11:22 PM
Sometimes there's a problem when a far-left reporter admiringly covers a far-left political official or candidate. What occasionally happens is that items which would clearly be objectionable to sensible people make it to print or onto the airwaves because the lefty journalist doesn't recognize how problematic they are. If he or she did, it would be kept out of their reports. At NBC News, former…

Liberal Writer Blasts MSM For Their Pro-Conservative Bias

March 12th, 2016 1:39 PM
Neal Gabler is an author and cultural critic who may be best known to NewsBusters readers as a longtime panelist on Fox News Watch. On Friday, lefty sites such as and Salon ran an article by Gabler in which he argued that for several decades, the mainstream media have greased the skids for movement conservatism and the Republican party. For example, Gabler asserted that after…

Lefty Pundit Amanda Marcotte: ‘I’m Rooting For Donald Trump’

February 29th, 2016 9:51 PM
Some people say that in the general election, they typically vote for “the lesser of two evils.” Since it’s still primary-and-caucus season, however, lefty pundit Marcotte had to choose the least of three supposed evils -- the main Republican presidential contenders -- to arrive at a favorite. In a Monday Salon piece, she explained why she’s “rooting for Donald Trump” to get the nomination. One…

Blogger Charles Pierce: Anita Hill Should Succeed Scalia

February 16th, 2016 1:07 AM
Over the past few days, a great many left-wing commentators have weighed in on Antonin Scalia-related issues, especially Scalia’s judicial legacy and Republicans’ refusal to consider anyone President Obama might nominate to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court. Highlights have included Slate's Dahlia Lithwick remarking that "sometimes it seemed [Scalia] worked overtime to earn your hate. He…

Twelve Tweets of Liberal Journalists Celebrating Scalia's Death

February 15th, 2016 12:58 PM
The news of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s death this past Saturday shocked the country. A Reagan appointee, Scalia was also Catholic, socially conservative, and brilliant; a combination that made him the left’s most-hated member of the Supreme Court. While his passing was respectfully treated by many in the media, there were still many far-left journalists who refused to show the late…

Paglia: Hillary 'Has Rap Sheet 5 Miles Long,' 'Heavy With Lies, Greed'

February 11th, 2016 2:27 PM
As Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential effort has weakened, many on the left in fairly prominent places have begun releasing years of pent-up frustrations about her, her husband, and their record. At long last, the long knives are beginning to come out. Many of these missives are unhinged, but one which isn't, and deserves a closer look, comes from Camille Paglia at Given that Paglia'…