Liberal Web Pundits on the RNC: ‘Zombie Reagan Is Good and Buried’

July 23rd, 2016 1:17 PM
The debate rages on as to whether Donald Trump has remodeled or vandalized the Republican party. In any event, left-wing pundits spent the week gaping at, and writing about, what they viewed as the grotesque spectacle of the RNC. For example, Daily Kos’s Hunter opined that the convention was "was barely one step up from an internet-peddled snuff film,” and Salon’s Heather Digby Parton declared…

Libs Gone Insane: Conventional Craziness, Claims of GOP ‘Death Cult’

July 22nd, 2016 8:09 AM
Editor’s Note: Normal people might find some of this offensive. (We hope.) It’s convention time. If you live in normal America, let me repeat, from this outpost of marginal humanity (in my case, Maryland), IT’S CONVENTION TIME! In the memorable words of Kevin Antoine Dodson, “hide your kids, hide your wife, hide your husband.” If you are in the media, any sort of media, you just filed a story…

Libs Gone Insane: Claim America’s Cops Are Racists, as Bad as Commies

July 15th, 2016 8:10 AM
Liberals aren’t exactly pro-law and order, except for the TV show, long one of the most left-wing on TV. Anything else and they are ready to storm the barricades and sing like a bad version of “Do You Hear the People Sing” from Les Miserables. From Occupy Wall Street to Ferguson to Black Friday to Hands Up, Don’t Shoot to Freddie Grey to Black Lives Matter, liberals love to protest, hate cops,…

Forbes: Rush Limbaugh Out Earns NBA Star Lebron James

July 13th, 2016 4:04 PM
Although he is frequently attacked by the mainstream media, Rush Limbaugh’s conservative radio show continues to flourish and maintain an audience of loyal followers. The radio show host’s $79 million income earned him the number 10 ranking on Forbes’ recently released list of top celebrity earnings of 2016.

Libs Gone Wilder: Transgender Cyborgs and Hating a Holocaust Survivor

July 8th, 2016 8:20 AM
Editor’s Note: Normal people might find some of this offensive. (We hope.) Sex discrimination, anti-semitism, transgender cyborgs, money for nothing and a dress you wouldn’t want to touch with a 10-foot-long pair of scissors. That’s the best of, or worst of, a week in the left-wing press. It’s pressing or just depressing.

Libs Gone Wild: 5 New Radical, Crazy, Insane, Nutball, Lefty Things

July 1st, 2016 8:07 AM
Editor’s Note: Normal people might find some of this offensive. “All hope abandon, ye who enter here.” That was Dante’s warning about entering hell. I’ll be your ferryman to that infernal place known as the Left. This week seems especially disturbing. Liberals put the freak into getting freaky. The more bizarrely sexual something is, the more liberals embrace it. This week I was reminded of how…

Professor: Both Hillary and Republicans Run ‘Hysteria’-Based Campaigns

June 26th, 2016 4:47 PM
Penn State prof Sophia McClennen, a Bernie Sanders backer, really dislikes Hillary Clinton. “We are literally watching the Clinton campaign drain any claim to nuance, critical thinking, reasoned logic, and attention to facts from the Democratic party,” alleged McClennen in a recent screed for Salon. “The fact that Clinton is now the favorite of many on the right...should be evidence enough of a…

Liberal Expert? Media, GOP ‘Have Been Collaborators’ For 30 Years!

June 24th, 2016 11:20 PM
Osama bin Laden routinely referred to his main Western enemies as “crusaders.” Conservative-bashing author Neal Gabler, the longtime Fox News Watch panelist, adapted OBL’s analogy in a Thursday Salon piece that originally ran at Gabler also griped that if most Americans don’t understand just how fanatical Republicans are, blame the media. “For three decades,” Gabler commented, “…

6 Radical, Crazy, Insane, Nutball, Liberal Things

June 24th, 2016 8:22 AM
Tracking liberal insanity is like playing Whack-A-Mole only instead of pesky moles, you get to bash bizarro lefties. (No actual hitting allowed.)  No army of critics could cover it all. Rather than try, we’re simply going to cherry pick some of the most demented each week.

Amanda Marcotte: 'Dilbert Has Gone Fascist'

June 8th, 2016 1:52 PM
Imagine someone who is completely dead on in the accuracy of his predictions. Would you not want to analyze why this person is correct and listen very carefully to any future predictions he makes? Of course. That is what Jake Tapper of CNN has done but if you are Amanda Marcotte of Salon, being accurate is completely besides the point. What matters is that the winning predictions were made about…

Blogger Blasts Facebook For Giving In to ‘Sleazy’ Conservative ‘Liars’

May 26th, 2016 6:05 PM
Conservatives who accuse media outlets of liberal bias are a lot like shakedown artists, suggested Salon’s Marcotte in a Tuesday piece. In this context, the targets of the allegations don’t pay protection money; instead, they “bend…over backwards to placate” right-wingers, thereby “injecting conservative bias into the process as journalists, afraid of seeming too ‘liberal,’ hold conservative…

Salon Writer Mocks Conservatives’ ‘Relentless...Persecution Complex'

May 21st, 2016 12:41 PM
Since the concept of political correctness became well-known in the late 1980s, it’s typically been thought of as a left-wing phenomenon, but some liberals claim that conservatives have their own version of it. In a Thursday article, Steve Almond alleged that right-wing PC is “a relentless blaring Persecution Complex” which manifests as “a mindset that reframes its paranoid aggressions as…

Paglia on NY Times Trump Hit: 'Agenda Journalism' 'Caught Red-Handed'

May 20th, 2016 9:16 AM
In a Thursday morning column at, leftist and longtime social critic Camille Paglia found it amusing that the New York Times thought that its supposedly major exposé about "a boastful, millionaire New Yorker (who) liked the company of beautiful women" was going to be considered big, game-changing news. In Paglia's view, the fact that the people at the Times believed they had something…

Musician Daryl Hall Scoffs at PC Questions in Salon Interview

May 16th, 2016 11:58 AM
Musician Daryl Hall, of Hall & Oates fame, was interviewed by the left-wing rag Salon a few days ago about his career and the music industry. Towards the end of the interview, things appeared to become less friendly when the Salon reporter asked Hall a series of liberal talking point questions which he clearly didn’t appreciate, judging by his reaction. Hall pushed back against the questions…