Salon, With No Basis, Says Newton Endured 'Racist Vitriol' After Loss

February 9th, 2016 2:54 PM
The headline at Nathaniel Friedman's Monday column at is unmistakably clear: "Racist vitriol pours down on Cam Newton: Single-minded haters rush to judgment after a rough Super Bowl." Naturally, I went there expecting a long series of hateful tweets, social media references or other comments. Friedman's column content, however, has no reference to "racism" at all — or to "racists," or…

Salon: Cam Newton ‘Unapologetically Black, ’Could Be ‘New Face of NFL’

February 7th, 2016 11:42 AM
Sunday may be for the Super Bowl, but Saturday was without question the day for shameless race-baiting and divisive agenda advancing.

Pundit: Cruz Thinks He’s the ‘Next Best Thing to the Second Coming’

February 2nd, 2016 9:46 PM
Much of the left is obsessed with the religious right’s supposed obsession with sex. Exhibit number whatever was Marcotte’s Tuesday piece in Salon about Ted Cruz’s win in Iowa’s Republican caucuses. Marcotte alleged that Cruz’s supporters in the Hawkeye State featured “a veritable rogue’s gallery of every creepy straight guy who claims he loves Jesus but has his eyes fixed firmly on the crotches…

Lefty Professor: ‘Stupidity Is the Ebola of GOP Politics’

January 26th, 2016 9:43 PM
Calling into question the brainpower of right-wingers is a longstanding practice. John Stuart Mill famously said that even though he didn’t believe conservatives were “generally stupid,” he did maintain that “stupid persons are generally Conservative.” Penn State professor Sophia McClennen followed that tradition in a Monday piece for Salon, and, yes, a certain former governor of Alaska was…

Salon: Blame Everyone’s ‘Sexual Hangups’ on Catholic Church

January 25th, 2016 11:51 AM
Salon hates Catholicism the way vegans hate meat – loudly and ad nauseum. It’s latest anti-Catholic screed comes courtesy of one Valerie Tarico, who lists “15 Sexual Hangups we can Blame on the Catholic Church.”

Salon Writer: Today’s Conservatives ‘Whiners…Who Never Shut Up’

January 24th, 2016 11:33 PM
“Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered” is a well-known tune from the Golden Age of Broadway. A Friday Salon article made it sound as if a song about how today’s conservatives feel could be called “Besieged, Badgered and Beleaguered.” In a piece pegged to Sarah Palin’s endorsement of Donald Trump, Andrew O’Hehir opined that the right “has become exactly what it has long accused the left of being,…

Amanda Marcotte: Palin Wants Her Crowds ‘Screaming For...Blood’

January 22nd, 2016 6:37 PM
Édouard Manet, Igor Stravinsky, and Sarah Palin: peas in a pod, contended Salon pundit Marcotte in a Thursday post analyzing Palin’s endorsement of Donald Trump. “Palin is the vanguard of a new way of right-wing speechifying,” declared Marcotte. “Her methods are the most outrageous, but as with most artistic revolutionaries…what seems iconoclastic now will swiftly become the norm.” For Marcotte…

Pundit: In Gun Remarks, Obama’s ‘Emotion Served His Reasonableness’

January 7th, 2016 9:20 PM
President Obama’s teary presentation on guns was a teachable moment, contended Salon blogger Marcotte in a Wednesday post, but conservatives, busy directing figurative spitballs at the POTUS, missed the lesson.

Lefty Professor: ‘Fox News Has Finally Destroyed Television News’

January 5th, 2016 9:56 PM
The left often downplays or overlooks differences among Republicans. For instance, plenty of liberals assumed that John McCain chose Sarah Palin mostly in an effort to attract disgruntled Hillary Clinton supporters, rather than for the likelier reason that McCain needed to reassure his party’s righty base. Similarly, Penn State's Sophia McClennen lumps Fox News with Donald Trump, whose…

Amanda Marcotte Rips Twitchy's 'Flying Monkeys' for Being Pro-Life

January 1st, 2016 8:24 AM
At Salon, Amanda Marcotte, one of America’s leading deniers that babies are somehow involved in abortions, turned her talent for dehumanizing people to Twitchy for mocking Hollywood writer-director Joss Whedon’s volunteering to put his money behind Planned Parenthood. "Twitchy, a site started by Michelle Malkin, portrays itself as a news site, but in reality, its main purpose is harnessing the…

Lefty Writer: ‘Narcissism’ Unites Trump, Conservative Evangelicals

December 30th, 2015 9:14 PM
If you’re looking for the ultimate contradiction in terms, it’d be hard to top “Christian narcissist.” Nonetheless, David Masciotra alleged in a Tuesday Salon piece (originally published on the left-wing site AlterNet) that “conservative evangelical Christianity” somehow “encourages narcissism,” and that this unholy communion explains Donald Trump’s relatively high level of popularity on the…

Michael Moore: The GOP ‘Really Is a Dead Party’

December 28th, 2015 10:06 PM
In his new documentary, Where to Invade Next, Michael Moore jaunts around Europe showcasing what he deems enlightened social and economic policies, including Italy’s lengthy paid vacations, Norway’s treatment of prison inmates, and France’s school-lunch program. New York Times reviewer Stephen Holden observed that Moore’s “examples…are cherry-picked to make American audiences feel envious and…

Salon Cries Homophobia, Compares NFL to Westboro Baptists

December 27th, 2015 9:50 PM
In a world full of hot takes, Salon writer Steve Almond went full supernova with this headline in a recent article: Odell Beckham and the NFL’s fear of gay men: “Football is the most homophobic subculture this side of the Westboro Baptist Church”

Frank Joyce in Salon: End the ‘500-Year Rampage of the White Man’

December 22nd, 2015 2:01 PM
If you could think of one thing on which the future of life on Earth depended, what would it be? Access to clean water? Sufficient supplies of energy? Those are important to be sure, but according to white Alternet author Frank Joyce, it’s “bringing the 500-year rampage of the white man to a halt.”