Lefty Blogger: ‘Real Winner’ of GOP Presidential Debate? ISIS

December 16th, 2015 9:57 PM
Many of the lefty writers who analyzed Tuesday night’s Republican presidential debate at the Venetian suggested that had the event been promoted as if it were a Vegas show, the marquee might have read “Fright Night,” or perhaps “Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid,” given how much the candidates hyped the threat of jihadist terrorism.

Salon Pundit: Hannity Supports ‘Christian Version’ of Sharia Law

December 10th, 2015 9:09 PM
Between Christians and Muslims, which group poses the greater threat to religious liberty in America? To  Marcotte, there’s an obvious answer: Christians. In a Wednesday Salon column, the lefty pundit claimed that “the big difference between conservative Muslims and Christians in this country is that only the latter have a massive, organized movement that is backed by an entire political party to…

Salon Pundit: Has GOP Rhetoric Already Inspired a Terrorist Attack?

December 6th, 2015 12:17 PM
In a column posted last Monday, two days before the San Bernardino massacre, Heather Digby Parton warned of Americans with “violent desires” who might find “inspiration” to stage mass-casualty attacks not in jihadist propaganda, but in rhetoric used during “a Republican presidential debate.” Parton linked the fatal shootings at the Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs to remarks by GOP…

Salon Ridiculed Kelly, Guest For Predicting U.S. Terror Attack

December 5th, 2015 10:43 AM
On November 18, Scott Eric Kaufman, an assistant editor at Salon, clearly thought that he had identified easy objects for ridicule in Megyn Kelly and former radical Muslim fundamentalist Morten Storm. Kaufman ridiculed Fox as "nightmare fuel for elderly white people who just want to celebrate Christmas" after Storm, a former al Qaeda terrorist, predicted that "within the next two weeks, we will…

Amanda Marcotte: Pro-Life Movement Is ‘Rotten to Its Seedy Core’

December 1st, 2015 12:56 PM
Anyone fascinated by strident pro-choice rhetoric finds that Marcotte seldom disappoints in that regard. In a Monday Salon piece pegged to the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood shootings, the lefty pundit asserted that “terrorism…is the logical end point of [the pro-life movement’s] deep sense of entitlement over others’ bodies,” and that the movement “has been built on a lie: That it is about…

Conservatives Shun Colbert Because ‘Smart Comedy Has a Liberal Bias’

November 29th, 2015 2:20 PM
You’ve probably heard the phrase “too smart for the room.” Penn State professor Sophia McClennen thinks that Stephen Colbert is too smart for America, or at least a huge chunk of it, and that consequently he’s fallen to third place in late-night television’s ratings race. In a Monday Salon piece, McClennen argued that even though Colbert has “moved his satire into a more centrist mode” since…

Salon Shocker: #PrayForParis Makes Liberals Uncomfortable

November 19th, 2015 4:11 PM
Never interrupt a liberal when he’s being superior in public – especially not if you’re going to bring your sky god into it. That is the takeaway from a recent article on (where else?) Salon.   In light of the terror attacks in France, #PrayForParis was one of the many ways people on social media responded to the events to show their support. Seems perfectly fine right? Not to Salon. You see,…

Dean, Walsh Throw Fits over Dickerson Pushing Dems in Debate [UPDATED]

November 14th, 2015 9:59 PM
Nearly a half-hour into Saturday’s Democratic presidential debate on CBS, Salon writer Joan Walsh and former Democratic Vermont Governor Howard Dean took to Twitter to blast moderator John Dickerson for merely asking legitimate questions of the candidates on foreign policy and whether or not the United States (and by extension, the West) is at war with “radical Islam.” 

Salon Writer: Paris Terror Should End 'Right's Violent Language'

November 14th, 2015 12:34 AM
As of 11 p.m. ET on Friday, according to CNN, the death toll was "at least 153" (since updated to "at least 128") who have been "killed in gunfire and blasts" in Paris in "coordinated attacks." CNN claims that "It is still not clear who is responsible." (Update: Early Saturday morning Eastern Time, ISIS claimed responsibility.) Two days ago, leftist Democrat Hillary Clinton laughed at the idea…

Salon Writer: O’Reilly-Will Clash Could Discredit Conservatism

November 14th, 2015 12:31 AM
The war of words between Bill O’Reilly and George Will over the long-term effects on Ronald Reagan of the 1981 assassination attempt amounts to a loose thread that could eventually cause the unraveling of conservatism, argued Sean Illing in a Friday article. Illing opined that “conservatism, as a governing philosophy, continues to resonate because of Reagan’s perceived success” -- “perceived”…

Salon Writer: Free Speech Advocates Want to Assert 'White Privilege'

November 13th, 2015 12:33 PM
Speaking on MSNBC’s All In Thursday night about the ongoing protests on college campuses over race, Salon writer and Rutgers University professor Brittney Cooper asserted that the real focus of the discussion should about how black students supposedly feel “physically and emotionally unsafe on these campuses” and those raising concerns about “the threat to freedom of speech” really just want to…

Maddow Producer: In GOP Debate, ‘Clear Loser’ Was ‘Reality’

November 11th, 2015 5:29 PM
Robin Williams’s first album was called Reality…What a Concept. More than one lefty blogger implied that Unreality…What a Concept would have been a fitting title for Tuesday night’s Republican presidential debate.

Ex-Franken Aide: GOP Attitude Toward Compromise Is ‘F**k That!’

November 9th, 2015 9:38 PM
Why are Republicans so angry at Washington? According to David T. S. Jonas, a onetime aide to Sen. Al Franken, it results from 1) “the expansion of economic and political rights for women, people of color, LGBT Americans, [and] immigrants” over the past few decades, and 2) the failure of Republicans in power to stop or reverse 1). In a Sunday article for Salon, Jonas argued that “the majority of…

Salon Writer: Abortion a ‘Medical Procedure,’ Not a ‘Social Issue’

November 8th, 2015 5:14 PM
Many products long not advertised on television now are commonly promoted during ad breaks. Writer Danielle Campoamor would like to add one more type of commercial to that list. “Why is it that I never see an ad for abortion services?” wondered Campoamor in a Sunday piece. “Why are we willing to use women’s bodies in ads, but rarely see ads that would benefit women’s bodies?...Society has…