
Salon Flops with Claim Colbert Offered 'Bombshell Endorsement' of BLM

November 3rd, 2015 4:34 PM
Tuesday at, Sarah Burris claimed that Stephen Colbert gave a "bombshell endorsement" to Black Lives Matter, when he talked about the “excessive force by police departments across the country.” In reality, Colbert gave a moderate response to the recent controversy. Salon evoked imagery and a message that Colbert never addressed in the segment. Colbert offered only comedic pandering on…

Lefty Professor: ‘Transparency Threatens’ the Power of Conservatives

November 1st, 2015 2:16 PM
In the week when a new James Bond film is coming out, it’s fitting that two lefty writers are both shaken and stirred by recent Republican blasts at media bias. In a Sunday article for Salon, Boston College history professor Heather Cox Richardson charged that “since the 1950s, Movement Conservatives have fought the fair examination of their ideas. They embrace a worldview in which a few wealthy…

Blogger: I’ll Buy Harwood a Beer For Questioning Rubio on Taxes

October 29th, 2015 5:38 PM
Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio put media bias on the front burner at CNBC’s Republican presidential debate, but conservatives and liberals differed sharply on whether what was in the pot smelled appetizing. Several lefty bloggers turned up their noses at the idea that in last night’s event and in general, the media favor Democrats.

Lefty Writer: Ben Carson ‘Has Betrayed the Black Freedom Struggle’

October 27th, 2015 10:44 AM
It’s a tall order for a black politician to become popular with “the de facto largest white identity organization in the United States,” but DeVega argues that Carson has pulled it off by “betray[ing] the Black Freedom Struggle and assault[ing] the truth in all its forms.” (As you probably assumed, “white identity organization” is DeVega’s description of the Republican party.) In a Salon article…

Salon Writer: GOP Has Made MSM a ‘Tacit Ally’ of Righty Extremism

October 25th, 2015 3:17 PM
As most NewsBusters readers know, conservatives argue that reporters tend to be liberal, and that their liberalism influences their reporting. A common lefty counterpart, which Paul Rosenberg expressed in a Saturday article, isn’t that most journalists are conservative, but rather that Republicans have manipulated them into ignoring (and thereby facilitating) right-wing extremism. “For quite…

Amanda Marcotte: Paul Ryan Thinks Family Life’s Only For the Rich

October 24th, 2015 9:49 PM
After Paul Ryan vowed that he wouldn’t reduce time spent with his family even if he became Speaker of the House, quite a few liberals accused the Wisconsin congressman of hypocrisy given that he has, in the words of one feminist site, “spent much of his political career fighting laws that promote realistic work-life balance for parents.” Lefty pundit Marcotte believes that Ryan is even worse…

Ronda Rousey Enrages Salon Over Refusing LGBT Talking Points

October 20th, 2015 9:39 PM
Salon is scared of a girl. Okay, I’m scared of this girl too, but for a completely different reason. According to Salon, though Rousey is a woman and has become one of the most dominant athletes in any sports, male or female, she shouldn’t automatically be considered a role model on that basis. Because…wait for it…transphobia.  

Amanda Marcotte: Right-Wingers Resisting Politically Correct GOP

October 19th, 2015 10:53 AM
In 1988, the Year of Dukakis, Rep. Peter Kostmayer (D-Penn.) told Congressional Quarterly that his party’s advice for liberal interest groups was, “Just shut up, gays, women, environmentalists. Just shut up, and you will get everything you want after the election. In the meantime, just shut up so we can win.” (They didn’t win.) These days, believes lefty pundit Marcotte, it’s the Republican…

Salon Writer: To Get a Gun, You Should Have to Take a Bullet

October 17th, 2015 8:17 PM
D. Watkins has written at for about 1-1/2 years. In his previous columns, he has shown that he fits right in with the "white privilege and oppression of blacks explains everything" crowd. Friday (HT Twitchy), he went into uncharted territory, seriously suggesting that no American should be able to own a gun until they "know the pain of getting hit" (bolds are mine):

Salon: Ted Cruz Encourages Domestic Extremism and Terrorism

October 16th, 2015 2:06 PM
On Friday, Salon featured two articles taking fire to presidential candidate Ted Cruz. Authored by Heather Digby Parton, one piece was titled, “Paranoid Rise of the Militant Right: Inside the Growing Threat of Domestic Extremism” and examined the Department of Justice’s new focus on domestic extremists, and the author zeroed in on right-wing extremism. The second was written by Simon Maloy, who…

Salon: Climate Deniers Are Worse Than Holocaust Deniers

October 14th, 2015 3:56 PM
The "mainstream media" came under attack at on Tuesday. Paul Rosenberg raged against the Associated Press for refusing to use the term ‘climate denier’ after activists on the Left demanded that. Rosenberg argued that denier was more appropriate than skeptic or doubter, and gave undeserved legitimacy to the skeptic movement. Rosenberg would continue on to describe how Climate Change, or…

Salon: Baby-Haters are People Too

October 9th, 2015 1:26 PM
Oh Salon, is there any group, no matter how small, insignificant or just plain silly, that you won’t offer up as a misunderstood minority? On Wednesday, Salon readers learned of Alanna Weissman. She hates your kids, and she’s not sorry. You hear that, your first reaction is to shrug bemusedly and walk away. Kids aren’t everyone’s cup of tea. But stop right there! Weissman’s a marginalized…

Salon: Pope 'Ratf***ed' Into Meeting Kim Davis

October 5th, 2015 9:03 PM
Last week, liberal news outlet Salon did their best to convince themselves that Pope Francis never even wanted to meet with Kentucky clerk and conscientious objector Kim Davis. And they did so quite colorfully, claiming that the pontifix was “Ratf***ed” into a meeting with the Rowen County, Kentucky elected official.

Salon Writer Calls Michelle Malkin a 'Right-Wing Rage Monkey'

October 5th, 2015 4:17 PM
Poor Gary Legum at How dare supporters of the right to keep and bear arms as clearly defined in the Constitution's Second Amendment push back against the gun control movement's cynical exploitation of Thursday's Roseburg, Oregon massacre? Legum is outraged that "The right tells us (again) to ignore the elephant in the room." He must mean the fact that the area in question at Umpqua…