Blogger: Meeting Kim Davis ‘Dumbest Thing’ Francis Has Ever Done

September 30th, 2015 9:09 PM
Esquire’s Charles Pierce is a graduate of a Jesuit university (Marquette). It’s among the many reasons he’s been a big fan of Pope Francis, the first-ever Jesuit pontiff, and it’s probably one factor in his vehement disappointment that Francis met with, and apparently encouraged, gay-marriage objector Kim Davis last week in Washington. Pierce referred to the pope’s behavior regarding the “…

Salon: GOP Presidential Nominees ‘Stolidly Faith-Deranged Candidates'

September 28th, 2015 3:48 PM
Liberals trashing on religion goes together like Monday morning and coffee: it’s just the norm. From the momentous visit to America by Pope Francis to the recent CNN Republican debate where some candidates had the audacity to mention their personal religious convictions, faith and religion has been just too prevalent these days for some lefties. Jeffry Taylor of Salon is one. “These are trying…

Environmentalists Rage Over AP Dropping ‘Climate Change Denier’

September 25th, 2015 3:11 PM
Associated Press (AP), the arbiters of style for journalism, issued new rules related to global warming and climate change coverage, infuriating liberal environmentalists. Their anger stemmed from AP’s guidance which said to use the label “climate change doubters” or “those who reject mainstream climate science” when discussing those that do not accept man-made climate change, rather than “…

Atlantic Writer Suggests God Raped The Virgin Mary

September 24th, 2015 6:59 PM
Jeffery Taylor, a liberal writer for The Atlantic, took to Salon this week to try and ease his conscience on the issue of Christianity. He did this, naturally, by completely blasting the faith of millions of Americans, Catholics and otherwise, with obscene and offensive comparisons and descriptions, along with a few slaps directed toward GOP candidates who confidently profess their faith.

Walker Didn’t Appeal to GOP’s ‘Increasingly Disreputable Base’

September 23rd, 2015 10:13 PM
A few months ago, many liberals, including much of the bloggerati, were afraid that Walker had a good chance to win not only the Republican presidential nomination but also the presidency. Now that Walker’s out of the GOP race, several lefty pundits have weighed in on why.

Liberal Media Differ from CNBC on Diagnosis of Pharma ‘Price Gouger’

September 23rd, 2015 2:25 PM
The left is up in arms over the pharmaceutical CEO who raised prices for a drug mostly used by AIDS patients by more than 5,000 percent, but experts CNBC interviewed said regulatory barriers helped make it possible. Founder and CEO of Turing Pharmaceutical, Martin Shkreli bought the generic drug Daraprim, which is used for parasitic infections in pregnant women and immunocompromised…

Salon and Huffington Post Agree With Krugman But Lament His Repetition

September 23rd, 2015 10:06 AM
Paul Krugman’s anti-austerity, pro-Keynesian views sounds like a broken record, even to the left-wing publications that agree with him. Mike Pesca, who has a daily podcast for Salon called “The Gist,” said that the Nobel Prize-winning economist’s opinion columns for The New York Times are getting tiresome because he mostly talks about the same three things. Pesca noted, “He says austerity is…

Salon Writer: Goebbels Would Have Been ‘Proud’ of GOP Debate

September 20th, 2015 4:18 PM
A common allegation against Ronald Reagan during his White House years was that he confused movies with the real world. According to Chauncey DeVega, the current Republican presidential candidates do somewhat the same thing, and have added video games and a bit of Comic-Con to the mix. “Wednesday night’s CNN debate showed the American people an alternate reality where Chuck Norris movies are the…

Salon Writer: Freddy Krueger Antidote to ‘Repressed’ Reagan Era

September 5th, 2015 1:26 PM
Gordon Gekko of Wall Street would be a popular choice of liberals for the 1980s movie character who best illuminated the supposedly ugly truth about the Reagan era, but he’s not Andrew O’Hehir’s choice. In a Monday analysis of the films of the late Wes Craven, O'Hehir stated that Freddy Krueger, from Craven’s 1984 movie A Nightmare on Elm Street, was “the most potent pop-culture signifier of the…

Chuck Todd Asks Leftist Columnist About ‘Education’ of ‘White America'

August 31st, 2015 5:02 PM
In an interview with left-wing Salon columnist D. Watkins for Sunday’s Meet the Press web-based feature Press Pass, moderator Chuck Todd lobbed one softball after another to the controversial commentator. Todd began: “...there is an education that's happening, I think, in white America. Black America knew what was going on between law enforcement and African-Americans. I think white America is…

On Salon, Anti-Christian Atheist Likens God, Pope to 'The Godfather'

August 31st, 2015 12:41 PM
Jeffrey Tayler of The Atlantic offered more of his anti-theist – and especially, anti-Catholic – vitriol in a Sunday item for the left-wing Salon. Tayler likened God to Don Corleone of The Godfather, and then spent most of his column ranting about how Pope Francis is akin to the fictional Mafia boss.  The atheist claimed that "Don Corleone could only have dreamed of committing crimes on the scale…

WashPost's Ignatius Relies on Hillary Defender With Undisclosed Ties

August 30th, 2015 9:49 PM
One of the odder pieces appearing during the past week in connection with the Hillary Clinton email and private server scandal was David Ignatius's attempt to deny that it's a scandal at all in Thursday's Washington Post. Ignatius devoted four of his first five paragraphs to relaying the allegedly expert assessments of Jeffrey Smith, who Ignatius described as "a former CIA general counsel who’s…

Salon Pundit: Media Assist GOP’s ‘Dirty Work’ on Hillary E-Mail Story

August 25th, 2015 9:51 PM
Democrats typically argue that almost all of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s mistakes have been molehills that Republicans have done their best to make into mountains. Heather Digby Parton thinks that the GOP has been aided in that regard by the mainstream media. “One of the major effects of the patented ‘Clinton Scandal’ that’s become a fixture of political conversation over the past two decades is…

Salon Writer: GOP ‘Actively Embraces White Supremacy’

August 23rd, 2015 12:39 PM
Although the term “anchor baby” has been around for only a couple of decades, the concept is several centuries old, believes Chauncey DeVega. In a Friday article, DeVega contended that the earliest American anchor babies were born to colonists, and that the modern term “cannot possibly be separated from the nightmare of white supremacy, of a democracy where human rights and citizenship were based…