Rutgers Professor: The Religious Right’s God Is an ‘A**hole’

April 3rd, 2015 1:43 PM
Christianity’s tent is not big enough to accommodate both the supporters of Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act and Brittney Cooper, who in a Wednesday piece for Salon blasted both the state’s pre-fix RFRA and the religious right in general. “This kind of legislation is rooted in a politics that gives white people the authority to police and terrorize people of color, queer people and…

Editor: 'Nothing Says Let's Go Kill Some Muslims Like Country Music'

March 26th, 2015 1:23 PM
Yet again, MSNBC had to issue an on-air apology, after one of its left-wing guests on Wednesday made an outrageous statement. On Now With Alex Wagner,'s senior editor Jamilah Lemieux responded to Senator Ted Cruz's statement about listening to country music after 9/11 by snarking, "Nothing says, let's go kill some Muslims like country music....I mean, really? That's absurd."

Salon: GOP, Likud, and ‘Iranian Right’ Have ‘Fanaticism’ In Common

March 22nd, 2015 4:45 PM
Kim Messick believes America since its founding has suffered three serious breaches of political trust, the last of which is ongoing and results from “the readiness of Republicans to violate long-standing norms of institutional conduct in order to advance a highly divisive, intensely partisan agenda” that’s implacably hostile to most functions of government. Messick touches on Tom Cotton’s letter…

Frank Schaeffer Bores Again With I Was a Teenage Rightwinger Shtick

February 27th, 2015 4:34 PM
Frank Schaeffer has a worn shtick and no matter how many times he uses it, he never tires of wash, rinse, repeat over and over and over again. It goes like this: Once upon a time young Frank Schaeffer, son of well known evangelical parents, was a "vicious rightwinger." However, HALLELUJAH, he eventually saw the light and became a leftwing loon. It is a stale tale that Frank hangs on to like a…

Salon TV Critic: Jon Stewart a ‘Liberal Organizer and Rallying Point’

February 13th, 2015 1:11 PM
Sonia Saraiya suggests that Stewart “is one of the most influential political figures of our era” and claims that “as difficult as it has been to advance a progressive agenda over the last 16 years, it would likely have been impossible without Stewart’s ability to connect to millions of viewers and remind them that they weren’t alone in hoping for something better.”

Lefty Professor: ‘American Sniper’ Delusional, Just Like the GOP

January 27th, 2015 11:25 AM
In an article for Salon, Penn State professor Sophia McClennen claims the box-office blockbuster has “no nuance, no context and no subtlety” and that its director, Clint Eastwood, “represents a dark, disturbing feature of the GOP mind-set.”

Salon Writer Lauds Jon Stewart’s ‘F**k You’ to Conservatives

January 25th, 2015 2:51 PM
Georgetown professor Aaron Hanlon argues that Stewart’s foul-mouthed rants in response to conservatives are appropriate given that “his objects of critique aren’t interested in reasoned dialogue, clever jabs or unveiled truths.”

Salon: Obama’s SOTU Message Was ‘Bye-Bye, Reagan Conservatism’

January 22nd, 2015 9:46 PM
Elias Isquith contends that “after eight years of George W. Bush,” America “was in such rotten shape that Obama had little time to do more than stave off the next crisis,” but that by this past Tuesday night, favorable economic developments gave Obama “an opportunity to boast of changing the ‘trajectory’ of the country like few presidents before him and none since Ronald Reagan.”

Lefty Writer: America’s Not ‘Crazy,’ But It Might Be ‘Dumb’

January 18th, 2015 1:42 PM
Ann Jones has doubts about allegations that America is “crazy,” but adds, “Some people who question me say that the U.S. is ‘paranoid,’ ‘backward,’ ‘behind the times,’ ‘vain,’ ‘greedy,’ ‘self-absorbed,’ or simply ‘dumb.’  Others, more charitably, imply that Americans are merely ‘ill-informed,’ ‘misguided,’ ‘misled,’ or ‘asleep,’ and could still recover sanity.  But wherever I travel, the…

Gun-Control Leader Whines Media Elite Gives In to Powerful Gun Lobby

January 5th, 2015 2:26 PM

It’s always mind-boggling when left-wingers complain the media isn’t liberal enough, but it’s just happened at the hard-left site Under a headline insisting “The NRA is losing” – right after the Left took it on the chin in the midterms – Elias Isquith shared spin with Moms Demand Action leader Shannon Watts. In this case, they’re whining that the media’s walked away from covering “…

Salon Bashes Fox's Kurtz for Dissing Female Reporters' Obama Questions

December 26th, 2014 2:42 PM
Liberals were overjoyed that President Obama only called on females in his year-ending news conference on December 19. Vanity Fair headlined its story “Obama’s All-Women Press Conference Deals Glancing Blow to Patriarchy.” Simon Maloy at Salon turned into another opportunity for Fox-bashing and male-loathing:

Jon Stewart's Not Liberal Enough For Barney Frank or Salon

December 24th, 2014 11:56 AM
Elias Isquith criticizes the “shallowness of Stewart’s politics” and “his tendency to fall prey to the trap of blaming 'both sides.'" Isquith declares that “if liberals want to see more of the kind of direct action that’s characterized the Occupy Wall Street and #blacklivesmatter movements…they’re going to have to embrace a political vision that has grown beyond the idiosyncratic limitations of…

Salon: ‘Would Anyone Truly Mourn’ Christmas ‘If We Did Without It?'

December 22nd, 2014 3:22 PM
With Christmas three days away, one liberal atheist took to the far-left website Salon to dismiss the existence of a “war on Christmas” spotlighted annually by conservatives and news pundits, led by the Fox News Channel’s (FNC) Bill O’Reilly. At the same time, however, the author seemed perfectly fine attacking Christmas himself, claiming that Jesus Christ never existed and wondered if “anyone” …

Lefty Professor: Colbert Reclaimed Patriotism For Liberals

December 14th, 2014 7:20 PM
Penn State’s Sophia McClennen praises Colbert for “remind[ing] us that you could care about your nation and simultaneously find American exceptionalism disturbing” and comments that conservatives have “controlled the idea of patriotism for so long that it is easy to forget that there is no logical reason to think that Rachel Maddow loves her country any less than Glenn Beck.”