Lefty Professor: Republicans Have an ‘Allergic Reaction’ to Truth

June 27th, 2017 4:28 PM
Barack Obama believes that “there are no red states or blue states, just the United States,” and Sophia McClennen agrees with him, sort of. In a Saturday piece for Salon, the Penn State prof declared that since “the GOP attacks on the idea of the truth and on the concept of fact-checking are only going to get more absurd,” before long “we won’t code maps by blue and red states; we will code them…

He Who Must Not Be Named: Salon Wants Trump-Free Tuesdays

June 27th, 2017 10:46 AM
The left has its week all planned out. There’s Meat Free Mondays, Throwback Thursdays, and of course, Trump Free Tuesdays. In a statement put out on Monday, June 26, the editorial team of Salon announced that for one whole day, they would neither publish the POTUS’s picture or his name. The reason why? “We’re sick of him. Everybody is, including the people who voted for him and still support him…

Salon: 'Sociopathic' GOP Should Learn From 'Bigot' Scalise's 'Baptism'

June 23rd, 2017 10:15 AM
In an article posted yesterday, Salon politics writer Chauncey DeVega trashed Republican Rep. Steve Scalise as a "bigot" and accused the Republican party of being a "sociopathic" entity that has "weaponized" the Scalise shooting and is "drunk on conspiracy theories and other hallucinogenic beliefs." He also repeated the discredited claim that Scalise spoke to a "white supremacist" group in 2002,…

Alt-Left Insanity: Liberal Shooting Spree = Time to Take Away Our Guns

June 16th, 2017 6:45 AM
“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.” Those are the famous words of then-Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. Coming just a day after an alt-left nutball tried to kill a baseball diamond full of Republicans, it’s worth understanding how liberals see the event. It’s an opportunity.

Alt-Left Insanity: Wonder Woman Isn’t LGBTQ Or Black Enough for Libs

June 10th, 2017 2:30 PM
I am woke, hear me snore no longer. This week’s column will be devoted to diversity, just like the left wants. We’ve got women. Heck, we’ve probably got womyn. Even super women. And who’s more super than Gal Gadot? Beautiful. Successful. Even filmed Wonder Woman while pregnant. She’s so amazing that an entire nation is boycotting her because she’s also an Israeli and even served in the Israeli…

Clueless: Lefty Media Prove in Health Care Debate How Little They Know

May 31st, 2017 11:31 PM
Insurance companies are first and foremost, you know, businesses! With that, expenses of their own follow that must be taken care of before they are best able to provide care for anyone else.  This understanding is at the heart of the new American Health Care Act recently passed by the House. 

Salon: 'Agents of Shield' a 'Horror-Show Mirror' of 'Trump's America'

May 31st, 2017 12:27 PM
Salon has found a “poignant” comparison to make about Trump. His administration and the resistance to it are like Hydra Corporation dealing with Marvel heroes. In a review of the latest season of Agents of SHIELD, a television program that follows the intelligence service, known as SHIELD, in their battle against the fascist Hydra, Salon writer Amanda Marcotte lauded the producers of the show for…

Salon Delivers Incredibly Depressing News for Democrats

May 30th, 2017 6:57 PM

Warning! Please do not show this Salon article to your liberal acquaintances. It could cause severe, irreversible depression in them. The reason why the May 27 article by Salon's executive editor, Andrew O'Hehir, could be so horribly depressing for them is that it tells several highly unwelcome truths that burst liberal fantasies. The fact that this unwelcome news for Democrats appears in…

Liberal Writer: Roger Ailes ‘Poisoned America’ With 'Fabrications'

May 27th, 2017 2:08 PM
According to author, critic, and former Fox News Watch panelist Neal Gabler, there’s not much of a mystery about who killed “the idea of media objectivity.” The perp, Gabler alleges, was the late Roger Ailes. “Before Fox News, most people actually trusted the media,” wrote Gabler in a screed that ran Friday on Salon and was originally published at BillMoyers.com. 

Oh No! Salon Writer Accuses Morrissey of 'Trumpian Take'

May 26th, 2017 9:09 AM
Liberals think the meanest thing they can do is to accuse people of behaving like Trump. Their latest victim? Steven Morrissey, lead man for The Smiths. In a review of a Facebook comment by Morrissey about the recent terror attack on Manchester, Gabriel Bell blasted  the musician, calling his comment a “scolding, highly inappropriate, racially insensitive, needlessly anti-Monarchical hot take on…

PBS 'Frontline' Director's Fake News About Bannon's Military Service

May 24th, 2017 2:23 PM
On Tuesday night, the leftish PBS documentary series Frontline aired a documentary titled “Bannon’s War” which seemed awfully reminscent of their anti-Cheney documentary suggestively titled “The Dark Side.” If you’re not a liberal PBS fanatic, it was another boring and predictable slog, attacking Bannon and Trump with lots of black and white photos and scary-sounding orchestral music. It was…

Joan Walsh: Ailes’s Network Shields Its Viewers From ‘Tough Truths’

May 19th, 2017 10:42 AM
A 77-year-old man died the other day, and, according to The Nation’s Walsh, it should have been a major learning moment for the Republican Party. In a Thursday piece about the career and legacy of former Fox News Channel boss Roger Ailes, Walsh mused that the passing of the GOP’s “intellectual patron” might “serve as a warning to the party” that “anger, arrogance and seething resentment of a…

Lifetime's 'Mary Kills People' Uses Bible Verse to Justify Euthanasia

May 8th, 2017 12:23 AM
Sunday night’s episode of Lifetime’s Mary Kills People, “Wave the White Flag,” championed the cause for passive euthanasia (withdrawing medical treatment with the intention of causing the patient’s death) with both a Bible verse and statements by the police officer investigating Mary for murder. After a man is placed on life support, Mary (Caroline Dhavernas) advises his significant other, Sonia…

Alt-Left Insanity: ‘Trump Will Try to Stage A Coup’

May 4th, 2017 9:06 AM
It’s amazing what we can learn from literature. The Lost Boys didn’t stay in Neverland with Peter. Sure, they never grew up. They just became liberals in the midst of a perpetual tantrum. The Lost Girls, too, apparently. Even the most recent presidential candidate Hillary Clinton loudly proclaims she is, “part of the resistance.”