Alt-Left Insanity: Steal Votes From White Men, Then Steal Their Stuff

April 14th, 2017 7:42 AM
The alt-left are like the Rosie Ruiz of politics. Ruiz won the 1980 Boston Marathon and she did it in classic liberal style. I’ll let Time describe it: “Ruiz made winning a marathon look easy. And it was, using her signature strategy: Don’t run the whole thing.”

Salon Slams ‘Malignant Narcissist,’ ‘Neofascist’ Trump and Supporters

April 11th, 2017 5:37 PM
An April 6 piece published on the uber-liberal by Chauncey DeVega featured a podcast interview with Philip Zimbardo, the psychologist responsible for the renowned “Stanford Prison Experiment.” Not surprisingly, both men trashed both President Trump and his supporters in the podcast.   

Alt-Left Insanity: Forget 1,197,704 Violent Crimes, ‘Abolish' Police!

April 8th, 2017 9:13 AM
In a week where we’re getting a new Supreme Court justice, the alt-left has been supremely insane. They have moved into a complete panic about the world, blaming the end to their filibuster on divisive Republicans. Somehow they seem to forget a bit of the Supreme injustice they’ve inflicted on various right-leaning nominees. Does the term “Borking” remind you of something?

Writer: Most GOP Congressmen Believe Conservative Media ‘Bulls**t’

April 7th, 2017 5:01 PM
Fusion’s Alex Pareene seems to think that America’s biggest problem isn’t any of the usual suspects (e.g., deindustrialization, terrorism, health-care costs) but rather the popularity of conservative media among conservative politicians. For a long time, contended Pareene in a Wednesday piece, “the conservative movement peddled one set of talking points to the rabble, while its elites consumed a…

Alt-Left Insanity: When Liberals Preach, We Must Impeach

February 10th, 2017 6:49 AM
The alt-left has lost its … it. Whatever it is, they have lost it. We have “journalists” saying fake news is, “the equivalent of the N-word for journalists” or even questioning whether President Donald Trump is going to go full Putin and start killing journalists. Both those things happened … in one week. There’s more triggering in your average newsroom than there is at an NRA target-shooting…

Alt-Left Insanity: Let’s Punch Nazis and, BTW, Everyone’s a Nazi

January 28th, 2017 3:30 PM
Poor Mike Godwin. Godwin is the creator of “Godwin’s Law.” It started as a guide to online discussions, making it clear that the longer a debate went on, the more likely someone was to invoke Hitler or Nazis. The rule grew to include the idea that such a statement ended the debate and the first person to Hitler lost. Fast forward to 2017 and politics looks like a Producers casting session, with…

Blogger: ‘Dumb Motherf**kers’ in MSM Partly to Blame For Fake News

January 1st, 2017 6:59 PM
In the mid-1990s, when the great Norm Macdonald was kicking off his “Weekend Update” segments of Saturday Night Live with, “And now, the fake news,” pretty much everyone knew what he meant. These days, however, disputes over definitions of “fake news” seem as common as fake news itself. It may be that the lefty writer angriest about fake news is media critic and political blogger Allison…

Unproven 'Fake News' Media Meme: Russia 'Hacked the Elections'

December 30th, 2016 2:26 PM
The purveyors of what the establishment press likes to describe as "fake news" have nothing on the fake news the establishment press itself generates at the Obama administration's behest. For example, the Associated Press, in a very late paragraph in just one of its three reports on the topic Thursday, admitted that "Though the FBI and Homeland Security Department issued a joint report on '…

Leftist Blogger: The Media Finally Brought Down ‘Uppity’ Hillary

December 29th, 2016 10:12 AM
In a Christmas Day post, Digby (also a columnist for Salon) contended that, given the media’s hostility toward Hillary Clinton, that “it’s actually a testament to her rectitude that [the e-mail story] was all they came up with. They had certainly tried over the course of 25 years to come up with something real and they ended up having to make up this ridiculous fake scandal to justify their…

Amanda Marcotte: Main Goal for Right Is ‘Pissing Off the Liberals'

December 23rd, 2016 9:01 PM
Salon pundit Marcotte believes that in the Age of Trump, conservatism consists of just two tenets: the rich should get richer, and liberals are disgusting. In a Friday column, Marcotte admitted that liberals “say nasty things about conservatives,” but maintained that conservatives are far more likely than liberals to engage in “dehumanization” of political opponents.

Professor: Media Held Hillary to a Standard of ‘Perfection’

November 27th, 2016 6:06 PM
In covering the recent presidential campaign, the mainstream media far too often made the perfect the enemy of the good, believes Leigh Gilmore -- “the good” in this case being synonymous with “Hillary Clinton.” Gilmore, a professor in the women's and gender studies department at Hillary’s undergraduate alma mater, Wellesley, claims that “the bias against Hillary Clinton was not simply a story…

Google Searches on Jeff Sessions Go Straight to the Fever Swamp

November 19th, 2016 7:57 PM
The establishment press wants readers, listeners and viewers to believe that the search engines and social media are being overwhelmed by "fake news." Those making such allegations are, with rare exceptions, thinking of conservative and center-right web sites which have been countering their established wisdom and taking readers and dollars away from them. Well, if that's so, at least in regards…

Salon's Amanda Marcotte: Media Got Hillary Same Way They Got Gore

November 19th, 2016 1:55 PM
Major similarities between the 2016 presidential election and that of 2000 don’t end with the Democrat winning the popular vote but losing the electoral vote, claims Marcotte, who contended that the media had it in for Hillary Clinton the same way they did for Al Gore, and that in each case biased campaign coverage was a factor in driving down Democratic voter turnout. Regarding this year’s race…

Salon Writer Warns That ‘The GOP Zombie Cannot Be Killed’

November 3rd, 2016 4:48 PM
David Frum’s book assessing the conservatism of the early-to-middle 1990s was called Dead Right. If Gary Legum wrote a book about today’s conservatives, he might call it Undead Right. “The GOP is a zombie party, shambling across the countryside, spreading terror and devouring any living creature it comes across,” declared Legum last Friday. “But unlike in, say…a George Romero movie, you can’t…