Salon Writer: ‘Bad-Faith Criticisms of Liberalism’ Led to Trump

October 28th, 2016 10:12 AM
Some left-wing pundits, anticipating that Donald Trump will lose on November 8, are pre-emptively trying to make sure that conservatives take the blame for Trump’s nomination. Gary Legum of Salon argued that right-wing news outlets “have both spent the better part of the Obama administration pushing the exact silly demagoguery  and conspiracy theories that riled up the conservative base and…

Libs Gone Insane: This Halloween, Teach Kids to Cast Spells!

October 28th, 2016 8:38 AM
Editor’s Note: Normal people might find some of this offensive. (We hope. Dear Lord, please!) Election 2016 has been terrifying. So let’s take a break and talk about something more calming -- Halloween. Even a holiday designed to scare the heck out of you should be a breath of fresh air. Forget Clinton and Trump. Imagine Psycho, The Exorcist or The Night of The Living Dead.

Salon Writer: ‘Partial-Birth Abortion’ a ‘Medically Nonsensical Term'

October 22nd, 2016 10:08 AM
The liberals who thought Chris Wallace did a bang-up job as moderator of the third presidential debate were judging strictly by appearances, contended Daily Kos’s Laura Clawson and Salon’s Gary Legum in separate articles. Clawson pooh-poohed the praise for Wallace, sneering that he “really wasn’t all that. Unless the ‘that’ is ‘a purveyor of right-wing talking points masked as “fair and balanced…

Salon Writer: Religious Right Hates Divorce, Unless It’s the Clintons

October 9th, 2016 5:27 PM
In a Sunday piece, writer Lyz Lenz argued that conservative Christians make a glaring, politically motivated exception to their belief that “a marriage is forever” when they “attack [Hillary] Clinton for staying with” Bill. Lenz noted that “numerous friends and relatives of mine have been counseled [against divorce] by pastors and Christian counselors, who argue that couples ought to persist in…

Amanda Marcotte: For the Right, Hillary’s Health Is the New Birtherism

September 15th, 2016 9:23 AM
Hillary Clinton was recently diagnosed with pneumonia. Barack Obama was not born in Kenya or anywhere else other than Honolulu, Hawaii. So what do Hillary fact and Obama fiction have in common? Marcotte has a sexism- and racism-related explanation. “The feigned concerns over Clinton’s health strongly resemble the feigned concerns that Obama was faking his natural born citizenship,” she wrote in a…

Neal Gabler: Media ‘Have Worked Tirelessly’ to Trash Hillary, Brady

September 10th, 2016 4:50 PM
Journalists are cynical grouches who like dragging people down, suggests author and former Fox News Watch panelist Gabler. The rich and famous are inviting targets, especially if journos sniff a scandal. Take Hillary Clinton and Tom Brady, who in Gabler’s view "have been victims of the media’s strong predisposition to presume guilt, whether there is evidence for it or not."

Libs Gone Insane: ‘An Anti-Trump Post-Apocalyptic Cannibal Love Story’

September 9th, 2016 8:38 AM
Editor’s Note: Normal people might find some of this offensive. (We hope.) I’m convinced that Hollywood creates much of its “entertainment” from Mad Libs. You remember Mad Libs, don’t you? They were sheets of paper with text on them including blank spaces for adjectives, nouns and verbs. Really a brilliant concept, designed for group/party fun.

Leftist Professor: Trump TV Network Scarier Than Trump Presidency

September 5th, 2016 3:57 PM
Penn State professor and Bernie Sanders enthusiast Sophia McClennen has a message for her fellow progressives: “If the thought of a [Donald] Trump presidency worries you, the thought of a Trump news network should scare the hell out of you.” McClennen’s Monday piece for Salon addressed reports that if Trump loses to Hillary Clinton, he, Steve Bannon, and Roger Ailes may start a competitor to Fox…

Libs Gone Insane: Fusion Thinks ‘Everyone’s A Little Queer’

September 2nd, 2016 8:46 AM
Editor’s Note: Normal people might find some of this offensive. (We hope.) It’s 8 a.m. (East Coast, anyway.) Are you “woke” yet? No, not awake, woke. The term “woke” refers to “being aware.. Knowing whats going on in the community,” according to Urban Dictionary. Ridiculous lefty Fusion describes the use of the word this way: “For years, the idea of being ‘woke’ was a hallmark of socially-minded…

New Yorker Writer Slams 'Creepy Vibe' at Clinton Foundation Events

August 26th, 2016 4:15 PM
During this week's episode of Political Gabfest – a “political-commentary podcast” produced by the far-left culture magazine Salon -- a pro-Hillary guest surprisingly unleashed a several-minute-long criticism of the Clinton Foundation and its “performance” regarding public charities. Adam Davidson, a contributing writer at The New Yorker magazine, stated that “there is a real creepy vibe to me”…

Smug Salon Mag: 'Larry Wilmore's Satire Was Crucial for Our Democracy'

August 21st, 2016 2:41 PM
So long, democracy. Larry Wilmore's Comedy Central show got cancelled. That was the dramatic message from the far-left culture magazine Salon, with a headline ripe for ridicule: “Losing ‘The Nightly Show’ matters: Larry Wilmore’s satire was crucial for our democracy,” especially "in the middle of an election cycle where many segments of our society feel totally disenfranchised, if not outright…

Salon Writer: ‘Silly’ to Assume Hillary Would Lose to Another GOPer

August 13th, 2016 1:57 PM
Plenty of Republicans have been lamenting their party’s nomination of “the one guy who cannot beat the historically unpopular Hillary Clinton,” but Gary Legum thinks they’re assuming facts not in evidence. In a Friday article, Legum indicated that Hillary would have been a prohibitive favorite against anyone the GOP might have chosen. He opined that the Republicans’ so-called deep bench was a…

U.S. Olympic Volleyballer Gets Pushback For Being a Proud Mom

August 10th, 2016 9:57 AM
Radical feminism in its most odious expressions has become one comprehensive emulation of Animal Farm looming over women's lives from cradle to grave. The original George Orwell masterpiece popularized the saying, "All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others." Radical feminists tell us they believe that feminism is all about choice — but some choices are clearly seen as…

Libs Gone Insane: Celebrating Cop Killer Mumia Abu-Jamal

July 29th, 2016 8:34 AM
In the midst of Convention Insanity II, other things did exist in the liberal universe. That universe has tons of interesting characters in it -- from cop killers to crass comedians.