Univision Uses Chummy Hillary Interview to Sell Clinton-Castro Ticket

October 20th, 2015 8:20 PM
The last time I covered an “exclusive” Hillary Clinton interview on Hispanic media, I found it to be so fawning as to be “...practically a Hillary campaign commercial.” After watching Univision’s Arantxa Loizaga recently-aired Hillary lovefest from San Antonio, though, it appears I may have spoken far too soon.

Jorge Ramos pasa por alto verdaderos ataques a la prensa

October 14th, 2015 3:52 PM
En las semanas transcurridas desde su desgraciada confrontación con Donald Trump, el presentador de Univisión/Fusion Jorge Ramos ha hecho todo lo posible para asegurar que su relato de lo ocurrido permanezca fresco en la mente de los medios de prensa dominantes. Pero las declaraciones que hace mientras sigue sacándole el jugo al incidente revelan inconsistencias que no se pueden dejar de examinar…

Jorge Ramos' Highly Subjective, Selective Rage

October 12th, 2015 2:24 PM
In the weeks since his infamous confrontation with Donald Trump, Univision/Fusion anchor Jorge Ramos has been doing his best to make sure his grievance narrative remains fresh in the minds of the mainstream media. However, the statements he makes while continuing to milk the incident reveal inconsistencies that cannot go unexamined.

Cobertura del tiroteo en Oregón fue como se esperaba

October 5th, 2015 9:58 AM
Los noticieros de toda la nación (incluidos Univisión y Telemundo) encabezaron sus programas con la noticia del horrendo tiroteo en el Colegio Comunitario Umpqua, en Roseburg, Oregón. El tono de la cobertura de las cadenas de habla hispana no debería sorprender a nadie.

Spanish-language Coverage of Oregon Shooting Went as Expected

October 2nd, 2015 5:53 PM
Newscasts all across the nation (including both Univision and Telemundo) led with news of the awful shooting at the Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon. The tone of the coverage on the Spanish-language networks should surprise no one.

La cobertura a Trump en Univision y Telemundo supera a ABC, CBS y NBC

September 28th, 2015 9:30 AM
Los principales noticiarios vespertinos de las dos mayores cadenas hispanoparlantes, Noticiero Univisión y Noticiero Telemundo, trasmitieron masivamente más noticias sobre Trump que las tres principales cadenas angloparlantes, un nivel extraordinario de cobertura.

Trump Coverage on Univision & Telemundo Exceeds ABC,CBS & NBC Combined

September 28th, 2015 8:30 AM
Donald Trump’s entry into the U.S. presidential race changed all that. During the three months that elapsed between the day of Trump’s campaign announcement speech on June 16 and September 15, the day before the second Republican presidential candidates’ debate, Trump was the subject of 304 minutes of combined evening news coverage on Univision and Telemundo, compared with a total of 271 minutes…

White House’s Offensive Papal Guest-List Story Suppressed

September 21st, 2015 4:44 PM
When analyzing news content on the nation’s Hispanic news media, it is helpful to remember that what is not covered is as important as what is covered, if not more so. This week’s papal visit to the United States provides us with another such instance.

Arpaio Thanks Jorge Ramos for Not Asking ‘Whether I’m a Racist'

September 14th, 2015 10:17 PM
In an interview that stood in marked contrast with his recent explosive encounter with presidential candidate Donald Trump, Univision anchor Jorge Ramos featured Maricopa Sheriff Joe Arpaio on his weekly public affairs show, Al Punto, and credited the immigration law enforcement champion for his openness and responsiveness to all his questions.

Arpaio agradece a Jorge Ramos por no preguntar si ‘soy un racista'

September 14th, 2015 8:50 PM
En una entrevista que contrastó con el explosivo encuentro entre Ramos y el precandidato presidencial Donald Trump, el conductor de Univisión entrevistó al alguacil Joe Arpaio para su programa semanal de actualidad política, Al Punto, y reconoció a Arpaio por su transparencia y prontitud para responder todas sus preguntas.

Ascendant Socialism among Democrats Discussed on Univision

September 14th, 2015 6:29 PM
The ascendance of “extreme left” forces in the Democrat Party, currently on the march in the candidacy of socialist Senator Bernie Sanders, emerged as a surprising focus of attention and shared concern among both the Republican and Democrat panelists on Univision’s weekly public affairs program, Al Punto.

El ascenso del socialismo entre demócratas es debatido en Univision

September 14th, 2015 4:09 PM
El ascenso de fuerzas de “extrema izquierda” dentro del Partido Demócrata, que encarna la candidatura del senador socialista, Bernardo Sanders, surgió como sorpresivo motivo de preocupación compartido por panelistas republicanos y demócratas durante el programa de actualidad política de Univisión, Al Punto.

Univision’s Jorge Ramos Fails To Live Up To His Own Rhetoric

September 10th, 2015 1:35 PM
The aftermath of Univision/Fusion anchor Jorge Ramos’ expulsion from (and prompt return to) Donald Trump’s Iowa press conference played out exactly as I predicted. Aided and abetted by his mainstream media comrades, Ramos has sought to cast himself as a brave resistor to injustice á la Rosa Parks, and his post-Trump defenses seek to portray him as a tough truth-teller willing to stand up to…

Informe de Univision compara a Trump con populistas latinoamericanos

September 8th, 2015 10:04 PM
En un evidente intento de facilitar un mejor entendimiento de su teleaudiencia a la popularidad de Donald Trump entre el electorado estadounidense, el principal noticiero vespertino de Univisión consultó a dos académicos de tendencia izquierdista, radicados en Washington, que compararon a Trump con líderes populistas de Latinoamérica, quienes también recientemente han apelado al amplio…