Jorge Ramos quiere que sepas que Trump no es su jefe

January 29th, 2017 10:42 PM
Volvió a ocurrir. La llegada de la inauguración de Donald Trump provocó otra diatriba de Jorge Ramos, con la cual el activista y periodista de Univision marcaría su resistencia. Pero revela más.

Univision maquilla legado de terror de Oscar Lopez Rivera

January 27th, 2017 5:10 PM
El reporte del Noticiero Univision sobre la conmutación de la sentencia de prisión del terrorista convicto de parte del expresidente Barack Obama es un ejemplo asombroso de noticia fabricada ("fake news").

Cruz v. Deadspin Update: Editor Loses It, Fusion Comms SVP Defends

January 25th, 2017 11:48 AM
Univision-owned Deadspin tried taking a swipe last night at U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), and failed miserably. Hilarity ensued, Twitter lit up, and the fallout extended well into the night. Once you stop laughing, you realize that there are legitimate questions that remain unasked - and some that merit an answer.

Jorge Ramos Wants You to Know That Donald Trump Is Not the Boss of Him

January 25th, 2017 8:00 AM
It happened again. As the inauguration of Donald Trump approached, Univision-Fusion journoactivist Jorge Ramos penned a screed intended to lay down a marker of resistance. But it reveals more. Per the custom, Ramos' op-ed ran first in Mexico City's Reforma, then in Univision. Per my custom, I waited until the piece was translated into English because I refuse to do Fusion's work.

Deadspin to Ted Cruz in Spat Over Playing Basketball: ‘Go Eat S***’

January 24th, 2017 8:53 PM
Univision-owned and far-left sports site Deadspin took a dive into the gutter on Tuesday night, telling Republican Senator Ted Cruz (Tex.) to “go eat shit” on Twitter following a post about Cruz playing pick-up basketball games with Senate colleagues.  

Fake News: Univision Rebrands FALN Terrorist as 'Political Prisoner'

January 24th, 2017 8:30 AM
Univision continues to disseminate fake news with regard to unrepentant FALN terrorist Oscar López Rivera, whose prison sentence was commuted by former President Barack Obama during his final hours in office. The latest instance of this image rehab happened on Sunday's edition of the network's weekly public affairs program, Al Punto, and featured some of the usual suspects.

Univision tilda a terrorista impenitente de 'prisionero político'

January 24th, 2017 7:00 AM
Univision sigue diseminando noticias falsas ('fake news") con respecto al terrorista impenitente de la FALN Oscar López Rivera, cuya sentencia de prisión fue recientemente conmutada por el presidente saliente Barack Obama. La instancia más reciente de esta rehabilitación de imagen se difundió en la edición más reciente de Al Punto...estelarizada por los sospechosos de costumbre.

Oscar Lopez Rivera's Legacy Of Terror Mostly Whitewashed By Univision

January 19th, 2017 11:52 AM
Univision's report on President Barack Obama's commutation of the prison sentence of convicted terrorist Oscar Rivera López is an astounding case study in fake news. The story, which went entirely unreported on the evening ABC, CBS and NBC newscasts, took top billing on Univision newscast. 

Journalists to Obama: Just How 'Fearful' Are You About Trump?

January 18th, 2017 4:40 PM
On Wednesday, Barack Obama conducted his final press conference as president and journalists demanded accountability... from his Republican successor. While just one question was asked about Obama’s decision to pardon Chelsea Manning, there were five queries worrying about what Donald Trump will do when he’s in charge. 

Doubling Down: Univision-Televisa Promotes Top Ideologue

January 17th, 2017 4:22 PM
Univision drops a major media bombshell just two weeks after the FCC approved an amendment to the foreign-ownership rule, which enabled Mexican media giant Televisa to acquire a larger stake in the network.

Disensión interna por reunión entre ejecutivos de Univision y Trump

January 13th, 2017 4:48 PM
Univision se apresuró a tildar la reunión entre sus ejecutivos y el presidente electo Donald Trump de "productiva". Sin embargo, la disidencia interna socava esa narrativa.

Alt-Left Insanity: Can Anything Be Nuttier Than BuzzFeed?

January 13th, 2017 9:14 AM
It’s hard to focus on how insane the alt-left is in a week where pretend journalists from BuzzFeed post an unverified dossier accusing President elect Trump of bizarre sex habits. I set a bar for how crazy liberals have become and try to focus on stories that hurdle the bar. For all that I have zero respect for anyone or anything connected to Buzzfeed, I didn’t expect them to crawl underneath.

Hablemos de estos rumores infundados de despido de Jorge Ramos

January 12th, 2017 5:07 PM
Los tiempos sin precedente traen conflicto sin precedente, y el rumor abunda en medio del conflicto- así como la especulación y la noticia falsa. Ese es el caso en medio del desenlace del conflicto entre Trump y Univision. Es importante procesar esta noticia para separar el trigo de la cizaña. 

Let's Address These Wholly Unsubstantiated Jorge Ramos Rumors

January 12th, 2017 4:13 PM
Unprecedented times bear unprecedented conflict, and the fog of conflict is often rife with rumor, speculation, and fake news. Such is the case in the denouement of Trump v. Univision, and it is important to unpack this story and separate the wheat from the chaff.