USA Today Joins CNN, ABC in Inflating Gas Prices on Websites

May 13th, 2008 11:19 AM

Newspaper Circulations in 3-Year Plunge, with Four Exceptions

May 1st, 2008 10:27 AM
Old Media business reporters have a definitionally-incorrect habit of labeling single industries or economic sectors as being "in recession," when the term, as defined here, can only describe national economies or the world economy. Two examples of this are New York Times reporter David Leonhardt's description of manufacturing as being in recession in February 2007 (laughably incorrect, in any…

Oklahoma Unemployment Is Way Down. Will Media Look into Why

April 22nd, 2008 10:05 AM
Oklahoma's unemployment rate, which was a seasonally adjusted 4.3% and 4.4%, respectively, in September and October 2007 (4.1% and 4.2% unadjusted), has fallen to a seasonally adjusted 3.1% in both February and March of this year (3.5% and 3.2% unadjusted). The unemployment rate in most states has gone up from September 2007 to March 2008. In states where the rate has gone down, none has shown…

County Sheriff Runs Sex-Slave Operation from Jail -- Guess Which Party

April 18th, 2008 2:12 AM
Well, this time the AP has really done it. Dateline Custer County, Oklahoma: Sheriff Mike Burgess resigns after authorities charged him with running a sex-slave operation out of his jail using female inmates he bribed for the purpose. So, which party did the AP tell us our crafty entrepreneur was from? Well, they seem to have forgotten to mention it... shocking, I know. Oklahoma sheriff charged…

Three Exceptions to E&P's '4-Year Circ Plunge' at Major Papers; I Wond

March 15th, 2008 12:18 AM
Ken Shepherd of NewsBusters posted Tuesday on Editor and Publisher's March 11 article listing the four-year circulation changes at the nation's top 20 newspapers, concentrating on the 20% loss at the Los Angeles Times during that period. What's also compelling is that the Top 20 really has three winners and 17 losers during that four-year time frame, as the chart that follows demonstrates:

USA Today Never Labels Spitzer as Dem, But Tags Craig and Vitter

March 11th, 2008 5:13 PM
In 1,760 words, Tuesday's front page USA Today article on New York Governor Eliot Spitzer never identified him as a Democrat, not even in photo captions, though the online version was updated with his party affiliation, yet described Senators Larry Craig and David Vitter as Republicans in the first mentions of their names in the story. Here's the lead of the hard copy edition delivered to the MRC…

Global Warming Update: Snowfall Records Being Broken in New England

February 28th, 2008 10:12 AM

Global Warming Will Cause Giant Snakes to Take Over America

February 24th, 2008 10:52 AM

Neuharth Hails 'Shrewd, Slick’ Castro, Recalls Telling Him: 'Touche

February 22nd, 2008 8:25 PM
In his weekly Friday column, USA Today founder Al Neuharth hailed Fidel Castro for how “he outfoxed 10 consecutive U.S. Presidents” and, recalling a meeting with him 20 years ago, Neuharth wrote that he found him “brilliantly briefed” with a “quick, slick comment” after Neuharth told him that profits from Gannett’s other papers subsidized losses at USA Today: “Aha, your company and my country are…

ABC Ignores How Biofuel Mandate Contributes to Inflation

February 21st, 2008 4:44 PM
The eco-love affair Washington has with biofuels is starting to take a toll on the fragile U.S. economy. It's a shame no one in the media have that connection. "World News with Charles Gibson" explained on February 20 that biofuels are driving up food prices, which is driving up inflation. The Consumer Price Index (CPI), a key inflation reading, rose 0.4 percent in January according to the…

Oops, Biofuels Actually Make Global Warming Worse

February 8th, 2008 4:09 PM
Reporting what global warming skeptics have been saying for years, several media outlets on Friday acknowledged that biofuel production could do more harm than good when it comes to fighting "global warming."Two new scientific studies suggest clearing land to produce biofuel ingredients will contribute more to warming than sticking with fossil fuels because of the removal of carbon-consuming…

USAT's Super Tuesday 'Dewey Beats Truman' Moment

February 6th, 2008 11:39 AM
It's hard to tell whether this was bias or sloppiness in the race to be first with a story, but USA Today has some egg on its fact this morning. I received this USAT e-mail last night, concerning Democratice Primary results in Harry Truman's home state of Missouri: Uh, not exactly:

USA Today Pits Two Liberals to One Conservative in Budget Story

February 4th, 2008 11:10 AM
In the February 4 USA Today, Richard Wolf treated news of Bush's last budget proposal by alternating between liberal Democrats attacking the president and Wolf's own stark language in characterizing the spending blueprint. What's more, Wolf cited two Democrats attacking the spending plan, compared to one Republican depending reductions in spending in the final Bush budget.An excerpt follows (…

USAT Report on Okla. Immigration Law: Anecdotes with Few Facts

January 10th, 2008 11:45 PM
USA Today's Emily Bazar wrote a long article Wednesday ("Strict immigration law rattles Okla. businesses") on the early impact of Oklahoma's recently-passed immigration reform legislation, apparently now well-known as "1804," or "House Bill 1804, the Oklahoma Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act of 2007, arguably the nation's toughest state law targeting illegal immigrants," which became effective…