AP's David Klepper Files Flowery Kennedy Compound Story Filled with No

July 15th, 2011 12:48 PM
I can't begrudge the Associated Press for covering the conflict within the Kennedy clan about what to do with their iconic Hyannis Port estate. But AP's David Klepper cranked the Kennedy nostalgia -- no, make that  worship -- up to 11 in his 27-paragraph story -- which I accessed via Yahoo! News -- on the family dispute (emphasis mine):  

Yahoo! Sports Blogger Tags Natl. Organization for Marriage As 'Anti-Ga

June 17th, 2011 12:50 PM
Updated with video of Tyree interview (see below page break) Former pro football player David Tyree has dared come out publicly with his view that New York State should not grant same-sex marriage licenses. For that view, disclosed in an interview with the "anti-gay group" the National Organization for Marriage, Tyree's "put his foot in his mouth" according to Yahoo! Sports blogger Doug…

Yahoo! Finance's Daniel Gross: Roberts Court 'Hostile to Workers

March 29th, 2011 10:38 AM
Handicapping a case heading to oral argument before the U.S. Supreme Court today, Yahoo! Finance's Daniel Gross insisted that "Wal-Mart has to like its chances" because "[t]he Supreme Court under Chief Justice John Roberts has generally been pro-business and hostile to the cause of workers." Gross, who is also a senior editor for Newsweek, cited the 2007 ruling -- erroneously writing that the…

HuffPo Blogger Fired for Using Press Creds to Abet Union Protesters

January 24th, 2011 7:00 PM
Just because the site was founded by an alleged plagiarist doesn't mean it's totally devoid of ethical clout. Though you do have to wonder: from where does the Huffington Post recruit its bloggers? The site reportedly informed one of its unpaid contributors last week that he was being let go. The offense: he had used his press credentials as a HuffPo blogger to get labor union demonstrators…

'Don't Sweat' High Gas Prices -- They're a 'Good Sign

January 8th, 2011 10:11 AM
You've probably noticed that those prices at the pump have risen considerably over the last month or so. But don't worry! It's not that big a deal! Well, according to Yahoo! Finance's Daniel Gross, that is. Why? Well, Americans are consuming less gas per capita than a few years ago, cars are more fuel efficient, and people are just plain getting weary of more and more traffic (and, hence, are…

Overwhelming Majority Think Media Encourage Political Division

October 19th, 2010 2:18 PM
On Sunday, I examined the causes of the nation's toxic political atmosphere and amongst other things accused the press of fanning the fires of discontent. Two days later, an ABC News/Yahoo News poll reported by Michael Calderone found 63 percent of Americans believe the mainstream media are more interested in encouraging political division than cooperation between the Parties:

FBI Files: CBS's Walter Cronkite Aided Vietnam Protestors in 1960s

May 14th, 2010 4:07 PM
In a Friday article for Yahoo! News, reporter John Cook revealed FBI documents that detail allegations that former CBS Evening News anchor Walter Cronkite offered CBS News resources to transport fierce Vietnam critic and Democratic Maine Senator Edmund Muskie to a Florida anti-war rally in November of 1969. (h/t TVNewser)According to Cook, the FBI files describe how "Cronkite encouraged students…

Yahoo's Politically Incorrect Slip About Pregnant Olympic Athlete

February 17th, 2010 10:40 PM
The 2nd line of this Yahoo story is the kicker: As with all curling teams, Team Canada features five members. Well, six, if you really want to get technical with it. Alternate Kristie Moore, 30, is 5½ months pregnant, making her just the 3rd athlete known to be with child during Olympic competition.

Beck's Gold Endorsements Frenzy Leftists, Gore's Conflict of Interest

December 18th, 2009 1:19 PM
From the New York Times to the Colbert Report, liberal media commentators have had a field day bashing Glenn Beck for his purported conflict of interest in encouraging his viewers to invest in gold without disclosing that he has endorsed gold distributors. Yet few of these pundits have even mentioned Al Gore's monumental conflict of interest--which could have far greater consequences for…

Bugler Plays 'Revile'? AP Mangles Fort Hood Flag Photo Caption

November 7th, 2009 7:14 AM

ESPN Guest: 'Racist' Rush Would Never Hire Black Coach

October 14th, 2009 9:07 PM
When it comes to slurring Rush Limbaugh in his quest to obtain an interest in the NFL's St. Louis Rams, someone's going to have to work hard to top Adrian Wojnarowski.  The Yahoo Sports reporter today called Rush a "racist" and a "bigot" and implied he would never hire a black coach.Wojnarowski spouted his slurs on Jim Rome's "Rome Is Burning" show on ESPN this afternoon.ADRIAN WOJNAROWSKI:…

Petition Against Cheney With Only 150 Signatures in a Year Draws AP C

September 9th, 2009 6:07 PM
Ill will against former Vice President Dick Cheney still runs high in some circles. So high, in fact, that when the University of Wyoming decided to name an international student center after him, Suzanne Pelican began circulating a petition against it last year. One year later, that petition has earned 150 signatures and an Associated Press story. In a story titled “Protest brews over…

Liberal Bias in Yahoo Career Do's and Don'ts

December 29th, 2008 12:32 PM
What could have been a fairly apolitical "Career Do's and Don'ts from 2008" retrospective has become an exhibit of how liberal media bias is ubiquitous in digital media. E-mail tipster John Genin informed us of how Yahoo! HotJobs writer Tom Musbach cited liberal heros Barack Obama and MSNBC's Rachel Maddow as worthy of emulation while citing Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's wardrobe non-scandal as a…

Yahoo: Palin 'Blows Off' Oprah, Probably 'Intimidated' by Her

December 9th, 2008 4:18 PM
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) is intimidated by Oprah Winfrey's intellect and political acumen, writer Joanna Douglas hinted in her December 5 article for Shine.Yahoo.com entitled "Sarah Palin blows off Oprah Winfrey."While Douglas conceded that the Obama-endorsing daytime talk host refused to book Palin during the campaign, she neglected to mention that the decision at the time offended many a…