Yahoo! News Claims Obama Was Born In Kenya

June 22nd, 2013 10:59 AM
It appears someone at Yahoo! News has opened one too many email messages from Orly Taitz. On Friday, the website actually published a piece claiming Kenya was Barack Obama's country of birth:

Rand Paul: Obama Administration Needs ‘Remedial Education’ on the

June 7th, 2013 11:15 AM
Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) had some harsh words Thursday for the Obama administration collecting phone records of millions of Americans. Speaking with Yahoo! News, Paul said, “I think it would be remedial education for those who are doing this. They need to go back and read the Constitution, read the Fourth Amendment, and understand that our records are private.”

Yahoo Babbles Against Monogamous Marriage

June 6th, 2013 10:42 AM
Having marriage issues? It might be due to your unnatural monogamy, according to Yahoo – or rather, a woman who previously studied men’s relationships with love dolls and edible sex toys. Yahoo featured “The 5 Compelling Reasons Why Marriage Wasn’t Meant to Be Monogamous” on its front page, although the article originally appeared on a pregnancy, parenting and lifestyle site – Disney’s Babble…

Want Approval from IRS for Your 501(c)3? A Liberal-sounding Name Helps

May 15th, 2013 6:26 PM
Chris Moody of Yahoo! News has a great story this afternoon about the saga the conservative media watchdogs at MediaTrackers had with the Obama IRS. The long and short of it is that after after waiting for more than a year for IRS to approve his 501(c)3 application for the group, conservative activist Drew Ryun  "determined that Media Trackers would likely never obtain standalone nonprofit…

Bozell Column: P.C. and the NBA

May 4th, 2013 8:11 AM
Washington Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III started tongues wagging when he posted this cryptic message on Twitter: “In a land of freedom we are held hostage by the tyranny of political correctness.” This was in response to liberal activists showing their rabid intolerance by demanding, so obnoxiously, that the Washington Redskins be renamed the “Redtails.” But the sentiment absolutely…

Report: Yahoo CEO (and Her Former Employer Google) Insist That New Hir

March 26th, 2013 7:58 PM
Sometimes one learns interesting things perusing stories at tech web sites. A report by Michelle Maisto at Eweek about Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer has one nugget of information which has been out there for a while, and another which I believe hasn't been and still isn't widely known about both Mayer and her former employer Google. Both items indicate to me that Mayer as a woman and the two tech…

Yahoo News Asks: 'Was Mother Teresa Actually Sort of a Jerk

March 7th, 2013 1:59 PM
Former writer Keith Wagstaff has just joined a different magazine, The Week, but he’s still sounding like the old employer. He has a new piece posted on Yahoo! News titled “Was Mother Teresa actually sort of a jerk?” Catholic-bashing is a much more acceptable journalistic pastime than snarky revisionist histories of hallowed liberals like Thurgood Marshall (honored as a saint by the…

48 Hours After 'Kill' Order, Bogus AP Rand Paul Item Is Still at Sever

February 19th, 2013 1:53 PM
Following up on an item posted yesterday -- 48 hours after it issued an order to subscribing publications and outlets to "kill" a story it filed on Sunday ("Sen. Paul: Voters want to round up immigrants") claiming that Kentucky Republican Senator Rand "sees voters wanting, quote, 'somebody who wants to round people up, put in camps and send them back to Mexico,'" the story is still present on…

March for ____? Yahoo! News's Pruitt Omits Name of Famous Annual March

January 25th, 2013 7:08 PM
The annual March for Life has gone on every year in late January since January 22, 1974, the first anniversary of Roe v. Wade. The March, which turns out thousands every year, marked its 40th anniversary on Friday with yet another march. By no means is it an ad hoc protest that happens to come together. Yet in noting the event in a "weekend in politics" roundup on Yahoo! News's "The Ticket"… Hits Obama Campaign for 'Inflated' Jobs Claims (by Over

October 23rd, 2012 9:48 PM
Although it should have used harsher language in its headline,, the Annenberg Foundation-funded outfit, has apparently set its leftist bias aside long enough to take shots at an ad narrated by President Barack Obama which claims 5.2 million jobs created and gives all but the most alert viewers the impression that the number represents those created during his entire administration.…

Former New York Times Writer Scours Romney Binder Remarks as 'Comical

October 20th, 2012 11:47 AM
Count former New York Times writer Virginia Heffernan as one of the media feminists who wanted to hit Mitt Romney with a binder for about a week. From her digital macrame rug on Yahoo News, Heffernan wrote an entire column insisting "The remark did not accomplish what he’d hoped. In fact, it tipped the hand of Romney’s women panic so thoroughly that it’s likely his court-the-undecided-females’…

Big Three Networks' Evening News Shows Suffering Significant Erosion F

October 14th, 2012 11:21 AM
As the presidential contest enters its final weeks, one loser is clear: the Big Three television networks' evening newscasts, home of some of the worst examples of ongoing and still influential media bias. Chris Ariens at Media Bistro noted this on October 2 in covering the results for the week of September 24: "Leading into a presidential election, one might think the tune-in to the evening…

WaPo Writer Calls Chalian Smear a 'Joke,' But Called Romney's Birther

August 29th, 2012 11:22 PM
Last night, Yahoo! News Washington Bureau Chief, David Chalian, slandered Romney by saying that the Republican nominee and his wife, Ann, were "happy to have a party with black people drowning."  These remarks were made during's webcast of their coverage of the RNC convention.  As a result, Mr. Chalian has been fired by Yahoo!, but some liberal journalists aren't happy about it.…

Jim Pinkerton On MSM's Problem: Groups Like NewsBusters Are 'Nailing T

August 29th, 2012 4:58 PM
Jim Pinkerton of Fox News Watch says the MSM has a problem: groups like NewsBusters are paying attention and "nailing them" when they let their liberal bias show. Pinkerton made his comment in an interview with NewsBusters at the RNC today.  The subject was a story NewsBusters broke this morning regarding Yahoo's Washington bureau chief David Chalian, who was caught on a hot mike saying that…