Bozell, Bolling Discuss Media Defense of Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Char

March 29th, 2013 2:46 PM
"This is the ugly, intolerant face of the radical left that's taken over liberalism today," declared NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell on Thursday's Hannity program, reacting to charges by MSNBC's Al Sharpton and Mike Barnicle that conservatives up in arms over Mike Bloomberg's proposed soda ban are animated by anti-Semitism. Bozell appeared on the March 28 program with guest host Eric Bolling…

Bloomberg: Social Media Is Only Useful If My Peeps Are Using It

March 29th, 2013 12:37 AM
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is at it again, telling us peons that we're not deserving of our full measure of yet another freedom, this time to express ourselves. As reported by Dana Rubenstein at (HT The Blaze), "As it turns out, Bloomberg, the highest-profile cheerleader for New York City's burgeoning tech scene, doesn't really like the social media revolution…

Barbaro's Bashing of NYC's GOP Mayoral Candidate Highlights NYT's Doub

March 28th, 2013 5:39 PM
Joseph Lhota is a moderate Republican running for mayor of New York City, but Michael Barbaro's front page Thursday story focuses on an incident back in 1999 when he inflamed Manhattan's artsy liberal elite: "For Mayoral Hopeful Who Lost Fight to Remove Art, No Regrets." Barbaro also reminds us that the New York Times is guilty of double standards in its treatment of art that offends religious…

Media in Love with Bloomberg’s Nanny State Policies

March 28th, 2013 10:14 AM
The media are in love – with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. From his soda ban, to his global warming views, to his opinions on gay marriage, journalists and pundits have repeatedly given him a platform to promote whatever he wants … and praised him repeatedly. Very recently, Bloomberg lashed out at New York state legislators in Albany when a speed camera plan for NYC failed, "blaming…

WashTimes Writer: Bloomberg's New 'Responsible' Gun Control Ad Feature

March 25th, 2013 5:17 PM
While the liberal news media have been trumpeting Mayor Michael Bloomberg's new $12-million ad buy as an attempt to push federal gun control legislation, a glaring irony of one such ad is being ignored by the media: an actor in a Mayors Against Illegal Guns ad entitled "Responsible" is handling a shotgun in an irresponsible manner, violating three cardinal rules of gun safety. Washington…

NBC's Gregory to Bloomberg: Will You 'Target' Gun Rights Supporters Wi

March 25th, 2013 4:59 PM
In an interview with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg on Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, moderator David Gregory invited the anti-gun advocate to issue a political threat to gun rights supporters in Congress: "Will you target people, Republicans and Democrats, who do not support a weapons ban, an assault weapons ban, who do not vote for background checks? Will you spend money, lots of money,…

Politico’s Lois Romano: Wayne LaPierre Looks Like A ‘Tired Old Whi

March 25th, 2013 4:11 PM
Letting down her guard on the Lean Forward network, Politico's Lois Romano, ostensibly an objective journalist, descended into biased -- and racially conscious -- commentary.  Appearing on MSNBC’s NewsNation on March 25, Romano made disparaging comments of the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre. Speaking with host Tamron Hall -- who happens to be African-American -- Romano suggested that Wayne LaPierre is…

ABC Touts Bloomberg's 'Personal Fortune' Funding Gun Control Ads, But

March 25th, 2013 12:36 PM
Good Morning America on Monday hyped Michael Bloomberg using his "personal fortune" to promote gun control with new ads. Reporter Jim Avila used three clips of either Bloomberg or the commercials he's now running in 13 states. Just one pro-Second Amendment voice was featured in the segment. In contrast, when the Koch brothers supported the Tea Party with commercials, GMA's journalists warned of…

Sharpton & Barnicle Agree: Anti-Semitism Explains Opposition To Bloomb

March 25th, 2013 9:01 AM
On Morning Joe today, the Reverend Al Sharpton agreed with Mike Barnicle  that anti-Semitism explains the opposition to Mike Bloomberg in his gun control campaign. H/t NB reader cobokat. If ever there were an expert on anti-Semitism in America, it could be Al Sharpton, he of Freddie's Fashion Mart and Crown Heights riot infamy. The spectacle of Sharpton lamenting the supposed anti-Semitism…

NRA's LaPierre: 'Bloomberg Can't Buy America...It's Insane the Stuff H

March 24th, 2013 1:21 PM
National Rifle Association executive vice president Wayne LaPierre had some harsh words for New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg Sunday. Appearing on NBC's Meet the Press, LaPierre said Bloomberg "can't buy American" and that "it's insane the stuff he says."

CNN Spends Over Half Hour of Coverage on Gun Control Presser, Touts 'R

March 21st, 2013 5:06 PM
CNN devoted over a half hour of coverage on Thursday to touting Mayor Bloomberg's "Demand Action to End Gun Violence" conference, where Bloomberg, Vice President Biden, and families of gun violence victims pushed for stricter gun control. Over 22 minutes was given to live coverage of the conference. CNN hyped the "raw emotion" of the speakers pressing Congress to take action on gun control.…

ABC Continues Blackout on Obama's Gun Control Setback; CBS, NBC Minimi

March 21st, 2013 3:28 PM
ABC continued ignoring Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's move on Tuesday to drop a proposed federal ban on so-called assault weapons. Neither Wednesday's World News nor Thursday's Good Morning America covered the congressional development. This lack of coverage stands out in light of the network's hype of President Obama's supposedly "dramatic and emotional" lobbying effort for the ban during…

Media Upset about Judge’s Overturn of Bloomberg Soda Ban

March 20th, 2013 3:43 PM
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s controversial ban of large soda and sugary drinks was overturned March 11, yet the liberal media continued to promote such a ban. NBC portrayed Bloomberg’s law as a noble fight for the health of New Yorkers. CNN “Starting Point” anchor Soledad O’Brien threw away her objectivity in an interview by announcing she had been a “long supporter” of the soda…

Alec Baldwin: 'Christine Quinn Is Not Qualified to be Mayor of New Yor

March 19th, 2013 9:23 AM
In case you haven't noticed, the media have all practically endorsed Christine Quinn to become New York's first female and openly gay mayor. Rather shockingly, don't count Alec Baldwin amongst them, for in a scathing piece published at the Huffington Post Monday, the actor proclaimed, "Christine Quinn is not qualified to be mayor of New York: