
NBC’s Richard Engel Slams Obama's SOTU on Foreign Policy

January 21st, 2015 7:07 AM
While NBC News was up to its usual business in praising and defending President Obama both before and after his State of the Union speech, chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel emerged as a rare voice that instead took to the liberal network’s airwaves to condemn the President’s rhetoric on foreign policy as both unrealistic and, in many cases, simply not true.  After being asked by anchor…

Dem Murphy to Maddow: Blame Bush for Radicalization of Terrorists

January 13th, 2015 8:28 AM
"We Blame George W. Bush" is a recurring category in James Taranto's "Best of the Web Today" column at the Wall Street Journal.  The meme mocks the penchant of progressives to blame the former president for everything under the sun.   The phenomenon was illustrated in an ugly way on last night's Rachel Maddow Show. Dem Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut blamed the existence of the Charlie Hebdo…

Greenwald: Cheney Should Be in Prison Instead of on 'Meet the Press'

December 19th, 2014 5:28 PM
During an interview on the HuffPoLive program on Thursday morning, radical-left reporter Glenn Greenwald slammed former vice president Dick Cheney for saying that the interrogation tactics used by George W. Bush's administration have “worked now for 13 years,” and “I'd do it again in a minute.” Greenwald, who is best known for his connection with NSA secret-leaker Edward Snowden, grumbled that “…

CNN's Lemon Spotlights Plight of Yazidi Women Enslaved by ISIS

November 11th, 2014 3:29 PM
CNN's Don Lemon refreshingly devoted air time on Monday's CNN Tonight to an ongoing atrocity being committed by Islamic extremist group ISIS – their sexual enslavement of hundreds of Yazidi girls and women. Lemon brought up the radicals' war crime during a segment with CNN terrorism analyst Paul Cruickshank.

CNN's Costello Plays Up GOP's 'Campaign of Fear' in Midterms

November 4th, 2014 5:18 PM
CNN's Carol Costello hyped how "Republicans have managed to use fear so successfully in these midterm elections" during interviews of two former governors on Tuesday's CNN Newsroom. Costello contended that "Republicans may be on the verge of winning Senate control – thanks, in large part, to a campaign of fear. If you examine the political ads that many Republican candidates have put out, they…

'It's Like Obama's Got Ebola,' Matthews Says About Democrat Candidates

October 23rd, 2014 6:16 PM
During Tuesday night's edition of Hardball on MSNBC, liberal host Chris Matthews vented his exasperation regarding the many Democratic candidates running across the country in this year's election who are distancing themselves from the unpopular current occupant of the White House. “It's like Obama's got Ebola,” he said, referring to the deadly disease that originated in West Africa and has…

Blogger Blasts GOP’s ‘Putrid Stew of Fear-Mongering’ Over Ebola

October 17th, 2014 9:17 PM
Paul Waldman claims that the GOP likes to whip up fear, and that “you couldn't come up with a better vehicle for creating that fear than a deadly disease coming from countries full of dark-skinned foreigners.”

Tom Brokaw Mocks Obama’s ISIS Coalition With Air Quotes

October 15th, 2014 9:30 AM
Veteran NBC News journalist Tom Brokaw appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe and mocked President Obama’s so-called coalition of nations fighting ISIS. Speaking on Wednesday morning, Brokaw used air quotes when describing the list of countries helping America fight ISIS before wondering “you see that whole list of people or countries lined up as our coalition partners against ISIS. What are they giving…

Letterman Mocks Obama's ISIS Strategy: ‘Operation Hillary’s Problem’

October 12th, 2014 9:57 PM
On Friday night, liberal late night host David Letterman mocked President Obama over is handling of ISIS. The CBS comedian joked “the administration now has a name for the war against ISIS. Have you heard the name?" The CBS host continued by pointing out that "every military operation has to have a name so people can get behind it and they now have a name for the war against ISIS: “Operation…

MRC's Tim Graham Details Media Ignoring Panetta's Criticisms of Obama

October 8th, 2014 10:59 PM
Graham pointed out that when the former Secretary of Defense gave his first interview to CBS’s 60 Minutes, neither one of the other two major broadcast networks (ABC or NBC) covered it and the result was the same with O’Reilly’s interview. Speaking on how “especially upsetting again” it was that none of the networks joined O’Reilly in asking Panetta about the Obama administration’s response to…

CBS Buries Own Poll Results Showing Poor Marks for Democrats and Obama

October 8th, 2014 9:40 PM
On Wednesday night, the CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley made no mention of the results from the latest CBS News poll that gave President Obama and Democrats poor marks ahead of the November 4 midterm elections on issues ranging from the economy to ISIS to terrorism to who voters are most likely to vote for.  Regarding the midterm elections, Republicans find themselves ahead of Democrats on…

CBS Hypes Criticism of GOP Ad: ‘Sick, Pathetic, And Disgusting'

October 8th, 2014 10:10 AM
Following a Tuesday night report in which the CBS Evening News blasted GOP campaign ads on ISIS, Wednesday’s CBS This Morning went even further in playing up the supposed outrage at a GOP congressional candidate’s campaign ad. CBS reporter Nancy Cordes pushed how Republican congressional candidate Wendy Rogers ran “the first ad to show an ISIS captive and reaction was swift. On Arizona Republican…

Naomi Wolf: ISIS Beheading Videos May Have Been Staged

October 6th, 2014 12:44 PM
The author of The Beauty Myth alleged over the weekend on Facebook that the U.S. government isn’t really fighting the terrorist group and the deadly disease, but instead is engaged in a power grab.

Will the West Defend Itself?

October 3rd, 2014 6:34 PM
The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), sometimes called ISIS or IS, is a Sunni extremist group that follows al-Qaida's anti-West ideology and sees a holy war against the West as a religious duty. With regard to nonbelievers, the Quran commands, "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out." The Quran contains many other verses that call…