MSNBC's 'Cycle' Turns to Politico Staffer Who Hailed Biden As 'Sex Sym

October 12th, 2012 4:21 PM
Ten days ago, Politico staffer-turned Debbie Wasserman Schultz flak-turned Politico staffer Jon Allen published a laughably-headlined story in "Joe Biden: Sex symbol?" So naturally, Allen was the perfect choice for the liberally-slanted MSNBC's The Cycle to bring on its Friday program to review the previous night's vice presidential debate. While Allen refused to be as gaga over Joe Biden as…

NYT Found Ryan 'Misleading' on Medicare, But Its 15-Plus Fact Checkers

October 12th, 2012 2:55 PM
The Biden-Ryan vice-presidential debate Thursday night brought out the media's "fact check" squads, including the New York Times, which had a squad of reporters evaluating the statements of Joe Biden and Paul Ryan online during the debate. Still, with perhaps 15 reporters on the job Thursday night, the paper still had to out-source a crucial Biden misstatement on Libya to the one-man fact-check…

Morning Joe's Debate Recap: Mika Brzezinski Colorfully Pronounces Bide

October 12th, 2012 1:27 PM
In her analysis of the vice presidential debate on the October 12 edition of Morning Joe, co-host Mika Brzezinski showed disdain for Paul Ryan and utter adulation for Joe Biden's performance. She was alone in her wildly pro-Joe assessment. As far as she was concerned, Biden utterly thrashed Ryan, and the liberal MSNBC co-host loved every minute of it: [ video below, MP3 audio available here…

Martha Raddatz Was Decently Balanced on Foreign Policy, Skewed Leftwar

October 12th, 2012 12:04 PM
Martha Raddatz’s friends in the media are swooning over her performance in last night’s Vice Presidential debate.  And certainly she deserves a good deal of credit for taking Joe Biden to task for the Obama administration’s failures in Benghazi. She asked the hard, pointed questions that the administration has managed to dodge for weeks. Her conduct during the opening segment was refreshing and…

Debate Moderator Favors Biden; ABC Colleagues Cheer: 'Martha Raddatz f

October 12th, 2012 11:21 AM
Reviewing the questions posed at Thursday night's vice presidential debate, ABC correspondent Martha Raddatz clearly favored Team Obama. Out of 48 discrete questions and follow-ups, a plurality (19, or 40%) incorporated a pro-Obama/Biden or anti-Romney/Ryan agenda, vs. 25% (12 questions) that skewed in the other direction and 35% (17 questions) that were neutral or purely information-seeking.…

NBC Brings on MSNBC's Maddow to Declare a 'Great Night' for Joe Biden

October 12th, 2012 11:16 AM

While admitting at the top of Friday's NBC Today that there was "no clear winner" in Thursday's vice presidential debate, minutes later, co-hosts Matt Lauer and Savannah Guthrie brought on left-wing MSNBC host Rachel Maddow to declare Joe Biden the victor: "Democrats are psyched that Joe Biden had such a great night....most Democrats watching last night probably think that Joe Biden clearly…

Smug WashPost TV Reviewer: Raddatz Favored Biden, Ryan Was Juvenile An

October 12th, 2012 7:42 AM
Washington Post writer Dan Zak penned a "TV Review" of the debates in the A section which bragged "only Vice President Biden acted as though he could sit at the desk in the Oval Office and have his feet touch the ground." In the paper, he began " A pro debated a novice," but on Twitter, Zak previewed he would write "A man debated a boy Thursday night." He also insulted Ryan on Twitter as a…

Stephanopoulos Initially Hedges on Biden-Ryan Clash, But Later Claims

October 12th, 2012 2:27 AM

Former Clinton administration flack and current ABC personality George Stephanopoulos slanted towards Joe Biden after Thursday night's vice presidential debate between the incumbent and challenger Paul Ryan. However, unlike his definitive pro-Democratic track record with debates, he initially wouldn't give a clear answer as to who won the match-up. Stephanopoulos trumpeted how "Joe Biden came…

Zogby: Biden Was 'Belittling and At Times Disrespectful

October 12th, 2012 2:09 AM
Media member after media member are coming down on Joe Biden's abysmal behavior at Thursday's vice presidential debate. Liberal pollster John Zogby has joined the parade saying, "Biden was supercilious, gratuitously belittling, and at times disrespectful."

Chris Matthews: 'A Clear Victory for Joe Biden

October 11th, 2012 10:58 PM
It was widely believed after last week's horrible debate performance by Barack Obama that the media were going to gush and fawn over Vice President Joe Biden at the conclusion of Thursday's debate with Paul Ryan regardless of how either one of them did. Holding up his end was MSNBC's Chris Matthews who moments after the debate's conclusion said, "A clear victory for Joe Biden" (video follows…

Ryan Zings Biden: 'The VP Knows Sometimes the Words Don’t Come Out o

October 11th, 2012 9:41 PM
Republican presidential nominee Paul Ryan had the first zinger in Thursday's debate with Vice President Joe Biden. "I think the Vice President very well knows that sometimes the words don’t come out of your mouth the right way."

Obama: 'I Think Joe Just Needs to be Joe

October 11th, 2012 7:24 PM
On the eve of the vice presidential debate, President Obama sat down for an exclusive interview with Diane Sawyer on ABC's World News. When she asked what his message would be to Joe Biden as he prepares himself to go up against Paul Ryan in Kentucky, Obama humorously answered the pointless question without hesitation -- smiling as he did. [ video below, MP3 audio available here ]

Matthews: 'Biden Better Win

October 11th, 2012 5:56 PM
As Election Day nears, the on air personalities at MSNBC are dropping all pretense of impartiality and journalistic integrity. On Thursday's Hardball, at the conclusion of a lengthy segment about the upcoming vice presidential debate, host Chris Matthews actually said, "Biden better win" (video follows with commentary):

Bozell Discusses Media's Reticence to Address Benghazi Fiasco with FBN

October 11th, 2012 11:13 AM
The Benghazi fiasco and the ensuing cover-up by the Obama administration got minimal media play before yesterday's congressional hearing, and even with that hearing, the media are still hard at work with their excuse-making for the White House, NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell told Fox Business Network's Stuart Varney on Thursday morning's edition of the Fox Business Network program Varney…