
Jorge Ramos Calls Harassing Conservative Leaders 'A Wonderful Thing'

November 14th, 2018 4:16 PM
Univision's senior news anchor, Jorge Ramos, is always at his most candid not when appearing on CNN or Fox News, or even on domestic Spanish-language television, but rather when addressing audiences outside the United States.

En la caravana: mujeres denuncian pandillas, violadores en TV hispana

November 8th, 2018 5:57 PM
Las más recientes noticias en Univisión y Telemundo sobre las caravanas de centroamericanos rumbo a los Estados Unidos finalmente validan lo que el presidente Trump ha intentado advertir a la nación: que hay algunos hombres muy malos entre las casi 10.000 personas que atraviesan a México, al punto que algunas mujeres han decidido viajar por separado o apartarse de ellas.

On Caravan: Hispanic TV Nets Now Show Women Denouncing Gangs, Rapists

November 8th, 2018 2:43 PM
The latest news reports on both Univision and Telemundo about the caravans of Central Americans heading to the United States have finally validated what President Trump has been trying to warn the nation about: that there are some very ‘bad hombres’ among the nearly 10,000 people now trekking their way through Mexico, to the point that some women have decided to either travel separately or drop…

Univisión y Telemundo ignoran baja histórica en desempleo hispano

November 6th, 2018 8:26 PM
Para las dos principales cadenas de televisión hispana en la nación, las celebraciones anuales del "Día de los muertos" fueron más importantes que decenas de miles de latinos en los Estados Unidos consiguiendo puestos de trabajo y el nivel de desempleo más bajo en récord entre hispanos.

Univision GOTV Ad Tilted Towards Democrats

November 6th, 2018 7:08 PM
How convenient for the Democrats. A last-minute Univision Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) ad that ran on social media, featuring a line-up of the network's top talent, called on voters to base their votes only on core issues pushed by the Democrats, and left out the leading issue (the economy) promoted by Republicans  

Record-Low Hispanic Unemployment Ignored on Univision, Telemundo

November 5th, 2018 7:35 PM
At the nation’s top two Hispanic television networks, the annual “Day of the Dead” celebrations were more important than tens of thousands of Latinos in the U.S. getting jobs, and driving unemployment among Latinos to yet another record low.

On Caravan, Jorge Ramos Goes into Disinformation Mode

November 2nd, 2018 8:11 PM
As a committed cheerleader of the caravans of foreign nationals currently making their way through Mexico to the United States, Univision anchor Jorge Ramos has shown himself adept at playing up the presence of children, downplaying the presence of both criminals and non-Central Americans, and most of all avoiding the fact that the vast majority of the people in the caravans do not even come…

En Univisión existe aparente distinción entre terroristas

October 31st, 2018 5:32 PM
Univisión puede haber roto el indicador de la ironía con esta invitación particular: el congresista Luis Gutiérrez en el semanario político Al Punto para hablar de los recientes atentados por correo y tratar de establecer distinciones en el nacionalismo. Dada la historia en cuanto a Gutiérrez se refiere, quizás hubiese sido mejor que lo dejaran quietecito en su casa.

At Univision, Some Bombmakers Are More Equal Than Others

October 31st, 2018 4:40 PM
Univision may have broken the irony meter with this particular booking: Congressman Luis Gutiérrez on Sunday political talker Al Punto, in order to discuss the recent attempted mail bombings and make distinctions between types of nationalism. Given Gutiérrez’ history, perhaps it would’ve been best that he sit this one out.

Jorge Ramos quiere activistas liberales liderando a EE.UU.

October 30th, 2018 4:58 PM
El veterano presentador de Univisión, Jorge Ramos, gustaba decir que como periodista, se limitaba a tomar lados solamente en asuntos de importancia trascendental, tales como oponerse firmemente a la corrupción, dictaduras, racismo y la violación de los derechos humanos.

Jorge Ramos Wants Future of U.S. in Hands of Liberal Activists

October 30th, 2018 3:14 PM
Veteran Univision anchor Jorge Ramos used to be fond of saying that as a journalist, he limited himself to only taking sides on matters of transcendental importance, such as standing in firm opposition to corruption, dictatorships, racism and violations of human rights.

¿Por qué el silencio en medios hispanos por contienda Salazar-Shalala?

October 28th, 2018 8:01 AM
Los principales medios domésticos de habla hispana, Telemundo y Univisión han hecho llamados a la inscripción electoral y al ejercicio del voto, como de costumbre para cada ciclo electoral, pero han permanecido silentes en cuanto a la carrera para reemplazar a una icónica pionera en el 27mo. distrito congresional de la Florida.

Salazar-Shalala Race Underreported in National Hispanic Media. Why?

October 28th, 2018 8:00 AM
The top domestic Spanish-language television networks, Telemundo and Univision, have pounded the voter registration and turnout drum, as they have for every election cycle, and yet they’ve remained silent on the race to replace an icon and pioneer in Florida’s 27th Congressional District.

The Caravan Finds Champion, Cheerleader in Univision’s Jorge Ramos

October 23rd, 2018 7:36 PM
The thousands of Central Americans currently making their way through Mexico on their way to the U.S. border have found a champion and cheerleader in veteran Univision news anchor Jorge Ramos. The dual Mexican and U.S. citizen is hosting Univision’s evening newscasts from Mexico this week as he accompanies the caravan, which on his network he calls a “caravan of refugees.”