
Cory Booker admite los demócratas tienen un 'problema latino'

October 22nd, 2018 4:44 PM
El senador Cory Booker (D-NJ) compareció recientemente al semanario político Al Punto de Univisión donde admitió la premisa de varios artículos que surgieron durante las pasadas semanas, es decir, que los demócratas están teniendo dificultades para persuadir a los hispanos a que voten por ellos en las elecciones de medio término de 2018.

Univision Features Cory Booker Admitting Dems Have a ‘Latino Problem’

October 22nd, 2018 4:17 PM
U.S. Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) appeared on Univision’s weekly political affairs talk show Al Punto, and admitted the veracity of the basis of several thinkpieces to emerge over the past few weeks - namely, that the Democrats are having a tough time persuading Hispanics to vote for them in the 2018 midterm elections.

Univision Portrays Anti-Illegal Immigration Policy as 'Anti-Immigrant'

October 22nd, 2018 9:26 AM
In the run-up to the mid-term elections and in lock-step with the Democrats, Univision’s evening news is once again deliberately and dishonestly portraying opposition to illegal immigration as if it also meant opposition to legal immigration and legal immigrants in the United States.

Univisión le hace encargo a Yulín en reporte de allanamiento FBI

October 18th, 2018 9:41 PM
El reporte de Univisión sobre el allanamiento del FBI al edificio municipal de San Juan de Puerto Rico muestra fuertes indicios de sesgo por incriminación, es decir, lo que hubiese sido un reporte neutral, acabó siendo uno contaminado con implicaciones viciadas.

Jueza Sotomayor hace campaña en la televisión hispana

October 18th, 2018 6:48 PM
La jueza del tribunal supremo de los Estados Unidos Sonia Sotomayor entró en la quimera de la politiquería a pesar de reconocer que no debía hacerlo durante su gira de promoción de su nuevo libro, ocasión que aprovechó para atacar la respuesta del gobierno federal al huracán María en Puerto Rico y exhortar a los electores latinos a ir a las urnas “para cambiar esta vida de nosotros los latinos”.

On Hispanic TV, Justice Sotomayor Surreptitiously Hits Campaign Trail

October 18th, 2018 4:59 PM
Despite acknowledging that she should not do so, on her current book tour United States Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor nevertheless waded into politicking, bashing both the Federal Government’s response to Hurricane María in Puerto Rico and exhorting Latino voters to go to the polls “to change this life for us Latinos.”

Univision Report On FBI Raid Carries SJ Mayor Cruz’s Water

October 18th, 2018 1:35 PM
Univision’s report on the raid of the San Juan administrative building carried out by the FBI shows a strong instance of bias by framing- wherein an otherwise neutral report is contaminated by biased framing.

Gobernador de Illinois señalado como 'antiinmigrante'

October 16th, 2018 6:48 PM
La etiqueta de 'antiinmigrante', utilizada por los medios de comunicación liberales para desprestigiar a aquellos que hablan verdades incómodas sobre la inmigración ilegal o por simplemente apoyar el cumplimiento de las leyes de inmigración en Estados Unidos, nuevamente acaparó los titulares en Univisión y Telemundo, esta vez en respuesta a las palabras expresadas por el gobernador republicano de…

Illinois Governor Tarred as 'Anti-Immigrant’ by Telemundo, Univision

October 16th, 2018 2:28 PM
The ‘anti-immigrant’ label – typically used by liberal media outlets to tar those who either speak uncomfortable truths about illegal immigration or who simply support the enforcement of U.S. immigration laws – reared its ugly head again on Univision and Telemundo, this time as a result of Republican Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner speaking about the downside of illegal immigration in the city of…

Trump and Kanye Maligned as ‘Nut Cases’ on Univision

October 15th, 2018 11:35 AM
Univision morning show host Carlos Calderón labeled both Kanye West and President Trump “nut cases” and “crazy people” during two segments of Despierta América devoted to discussing the meeting between the two men in the Oval Office last week.

Historically Low Unemployment Gets Attention of Hispanic TV Networks

October 9th, 2018 7:24 PM
In a sharp reversal from what occurred this past summer, when record-low Hispanic unemployment was met with absolute silence on the nation’s leading Hispanic television newscasts, the October 5 news from the U.S. Department of Labor that the national unemployment rate had reached a nearly 50-year low and that Hispanic unemployment had fallen to a record low received significant coverage on all…

Univisión, Telemundo condenan facilidades para “niños” indocumentados

October 8th, 2018 3:51 PM
Univisión y Telemundo, las principales cadenas de televisión hispana, omitieron datos claves en sus recientes informes  sobre las instalaciones de detención para jóvenes indocumentados en Tornillo, Texas, comenzando por el hecho de que todos los llamados 'niños' en las instalaciones son en realidad adolescentes.

Univision, Telemundo Bash HHS Facility for Undocumented 'Kids'

October 5th, 2018 8:58 PM
Top Hispanic television networks Univision and Telemundo omitted key facts in their recent reporting about temporary holding facilities for undocumented youth in Tornillo, Texas, beginning with the fact that all the so-called 'children' in the facility are actually teenagers.

Otra vez la cobertura electoral habitual y con maña de Univisión

October 5th, 2018 3:48 PM
La costumbre de reportar la actual gira de la ex primera dama Michelle Obama para la causa #CuandoTodosVotamos (#WhenWeAllVote) como una de índole cívica y no partidista, como se ha hecho en medios como Univisión, raya en el colmo de cobertura noticiosa deshonesta y engañosa.